In a world plagued by environmental crises, a diverse team led by Seraphina embarked on a heroic quest for peace. Their journey spanned various terrains, from ruined cities to mystical forests and volcanic islands. Along the way, they grappled with personal conflicts, emphasizing friendship, valor, sacrifice, and hope as essential values. As the battle between light and darkness escalated, internal struggles emerged. The team confronted the complexities of human nature while resisting the allure of evil. Through heart-pounding battles and unwavering determination, they defended justice and unity against the looming threats. Victory was not the end; more challenges lay ahead. Despite the relentless darkness, they persevered, forging a brighter future founded on peace and hope, transcending the forces of evil
Mr. Luminescence was born in Singapore in 1974. As an Asian of Chinese descent, despite his family speaking only Minnan and Mandarin, he is proficient in speaking and writing three languages. Coming from a modest background, he completed his studies up to the third-year level and joined the Singapore Navy in 1993. In 1999, after his six-year contract with the Navy concluded, he assisted his father in the family furniture business for five years. During this time, Mr. Luminescence travelled around Asia. He got married in 2001, but his marriage ended and he divorced in 2011. Starting in 2011, he began writing Chinese novels, and in 2012, he published his first book. Mr. Luminescence has had an exciting and challenging journey in his life. He hopes to share some of his experiences to bring people laughter, insights, and inspiration. As the saying goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
Digital Badge- 2023
BREW Fiction Book Excellence Award Category Winner
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BREW Fiction Book Excellence Award Diffrrence Winner
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American Writing Awards Fiction New Age , Category Finalists
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Book Award Pro , Fatansy Category Nominee
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Halloween Book Festival, Horror/Fatansy Category Runner-up
Winner List -2023
American Writing Awards Fiction New Age , Category Finalist
The Chrysalis Books, Reviews, and Everything Written (BREW) Project
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BREW Fiction Book Excellence Award Category Winner
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BREW Fiction Book Excellence Award Diffrrence Winner
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American Writing Awards Fiction New Age , Category Finalists
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Book Award Pro , Fatansy Category Nominee
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Halloween Book Festival, Horror/Fatansy Category Runner-up
Winner List -2023
American Writing Awards Fiction New Age , Category Finalist媒體推...
In a world plagued by environmental crises, a diverse team led by Seraphina embarked on a heroic quest for peace. Their journey spanned various terrains, from ruined cities to mystical forests and volcanic islands. Along the way, they grappled with personal conflicts, emphasizing friendship, valor, sacrifice, and hope as essential values. As the battle between light and darkness escalated, internal struggles emerged. The team confronted the complexities of human nature while resisting the allure of evil. Through heart-pounding battles and unwavering determination, they defended justice and unity against the looming threats. Victory was not the end; more challenges lay ahead. Despite the relentless darkness, they persevered, forging a brighter future founded on peace and hope, transcending the forces of evil
In a world plagued by environmental crises, a diverse team led by Seraphina embarked on a heroic quest for peace. Their journey spanned various terrains, from ruined cities to mystical forests and volcanic islands. Along the way, they grappled with personal conflicts, emphasizing friendship, valor, sacrifice, and hope as essential values. As the battle between light and darkness escalated, internal struggles emerged. The team confronted the complexities of human nature while resisting the allure...
The inspiration behind writing this book originates from my contemplation and exploration of human nature, particularly in the context of global environmental issues. We live in a world filled with hope and challenges, where justice battles evil, light contends with darkness, and these forces constantly intertwine around us. Within this narrative, I endeavour to depict the intersection of individual and destiny, the power of friendship and unity, and the courage to resist malevolence through a fantasy-infused adventure.
Each individual harbours an internal struggle, confronting various choices and challenges. The adventures of Seraphina and her team aim to reflect our own growth and exploration. As they face dark forces, they also confront internal turmoil and dilemmas. This prompts us to ponder, what constitutes justice? What constitutes evil? Amid the intricate facets of human nature, can we hold onto our original intentions and pursue goodness?
Throughout this journey of adventure, my hope is that readers will grow alongside Seraphina and her team and engage in collective introspection. Each person's heart holds a glimmer of light—whether faint or ablaze—that can illuminate the path ahead. No matter the depth of darkness, as long as we hold onto hope and bravely move forward, we can discover true strength.
I aspire for this story to resonate deep within your heart, inspiring contemplation and emotion. Thank you for choosing to read "Chronicles of the Enchanted Vanguard: Seraphina And the Divine Mandate." May this tale accompany you through a time of adventure and hope.
— Luminescence Goh
The inspiration behind writing this book originates from my contemplation and exploration of human nature, particularly in the context of global environmental issues. We live in a world filled with hope and challenges, where justice battles evil, light contends with darkness, and these forces constantly intertwine around us. Within this narrative, I endeavour to depict the intersection of individual and destiny, the power of friendship and unity, and the courage to resist malevolence through a f...
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