"The Paradoxical Red Panda
療癒系武林「萌」主 ── 小貓熊
The Benefits of Starting a Slash Career
誰說興趣不能當飯吃?全球職涯新趨勢 ── 斜槓青年
Travel Around the World in Style Inside a Muji Store
深入生活的極簡主義 ── 無印良品"
《常春藤解析英語雜誌》由賴世雄教授於一九八八年七月發行創刊號, 是一份製作嚴謹的專業英語廣播月刊。首創全國針對大學聯考及托福考試結 合廣播所發行之英語雜誌。一直不斷在品質上力求精進及掌握學界脈動與讀 者需求,並已在事業經營建立良好社會形象,多年來深獲全國英文老師的口 碑肯定,並為多所高中指定之英文課外教材,更是無數青年學子心目中的第 一品牌!同時,由於雜誌編著嚴謹,賴教授廣播方式幽默風趣與博學多才, 除了在台灣地區的英語廣播教學界享有盛名之外,更聲名遠播中國大陸地區 ,透過中央人民廣播電台播音節目為廣大大陸地區聽眾服務,此外與北京大 學、清華大學、遼寧大學、瀋陽外語學院等知名學府,均建立有英語教學合 作關係。
首創全國針對大學聯考及托福考試結 合廣播所發行之英語雜誌。
中籍英編:吳凱婷、林 亭、李耀中、鄭勝倫
終審:李 端
外籍英編:Kyle Thomas.Drazkowski.Evan Witkowski
特約作家:Brian Foden.Bruce Bagnell.Daniel Howard.William Ryan.Ivy Liu.Jamie Blackler
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
Every corner of the world has something special to offer visitors. In the March issue of Ivy League, the goal
is not the destination but rather the adventurous journey it takes to get there. For some people who don't have what it takes to venture outside of their comfort zone, they can Travel Around the World in Style Inside a Muji Store . Shopping doesn't do it for everyone, so joining an outdoorsman and survivalist on My Pacific Quest takes the opposite approach. Since the land down under is on the Pacific Ocean route, one attraction that is not to be missed is The Biggest Little Town in Australia. Once the wheels are in motion, an experienced traveler knows that rest is important, and that Naps on the Train Might Trigger Brain Alarms . But nothing gets an intrepid adventurer's mind going like brewing a pot of tea. Only the freshest tea will do, so a trip to find out more about Tea, Teeth, and Kandy in Sri Lanka is in order. What more could you want than the excitement of traveling right in the palm of your hand with Ivy League and the open road?
世界的每個角落都有些特別的事物能提供給觀光客。在《常春藤解析英語》三月號中,我們的目標不是終點,而是為了抵達終點所歷經的冒險旅程。對於一些沒有勇氣走出舒適圈冒險的人,他們可以逛逛《深入生活的極簡主義 ── 無印良品》商店,欣賞來自世界各地的美學。不是每個人都喜歡逛街購物,那就採取相反作法、加入戶外活動者和求生專家在《我的太平洋大冒險》的行列吧!既然澳洲位於太平洋航線上,就別錯過當地的《地底小鎮大世界 ── 庫伯佩地》這個景點。一旦開始行動,經驗豐富的旅行者就會知道休息很重要,而你又對《搭車補眠與大腦活動知多少》呢?但是沒有什麼能像泡一壺茶讓一位大膽冒險者的頭腦思路暢通。只有最新鮮的茶才能做到,因此已為你安排好一趟能更了解《飲茶禮佛之邦 ── 斯里蘭卡》的旅行。有了《常春藤解析英語》和開闊的道路,以及你能掌控的旅行所帶來的興奮感,你還能奢求什麼呢?
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:Every corner of the world has something special to offer visitors. In the March issue of Ivy League, the goal
is not the destination but rather the adventurous journey it takes to get there. For some people who don't have what it takes to venture outside of their comfort zone, they can Travel Around the World in Style Inside a Muji Store . Shopping doesn't do it for everyone, so joining an outdoorsman and survivalist on My Pacific Quest takes the opposite approach. Since th...
【國家地理頻道】My Pacific Quest 我的太平洋大冒險
【綠色生活】CityTree Works to Curb Air Pollution 讓城市呼吸 ―― 淨化空氣的苔蘚牆
【生活快遞】Naps on the Train Might Trigger Brain Alarms 搭車補眠與大腦活動知多少
【主題作文】Do You Prefer to See a Concert in Person or Buy the CD or DVD? 你喜歡親臨演唱會現場還是購買 CD 或 DVD?
【環遊世界】Tea, Teeth, and Kandy in Sri Lanka 飲茶禮佛之邦 ―― 斯里蘭卡
【環遊世界】Tea, Teeth, and Kandy in Sri Lanka 飲茶禮佛之邦 ―― 斯里蘭卡
【專題特寫】Bras or Bust: Empowering Victims of Sex Trafficking 送愛到非洲 募集內衣救雛妓!
【動物真奇妙】Fact Really Can Be Stranger Than Fiction! 海底的動人奇遇
【文法一點通】第六章 時態及語態
【動物真奇妙】The Paradoxical Red Panda 療癒系武林「萌」主 ―― 小貓熊
【動物真奇妙】The Paradoxical Red Panda 療癒系武林「萌」主 ―― 小貓熊
【焦點話題】The Benefits of Starting a Slash Career 誰說興趣不能當飯吃?全球職涯新趨勢 ―― 斜槓青年
【看圖, 簡函作文】Notice Asking for Used Books and Stationery Items for Charity 慈善募集二手書籍文具公告
【專題特寫】The Biggest Little Town in Australia 地底小鎮大世界 ―― 庫伯佩地
【溫馨小品】Sowing the Seeds of Love 奔跑吧汪星人! 播種拯救焦土
【主題作文】The Queuing Culture in Taiwan 臺灣的排隊文化
【專題特寫】Travel Around the World in Style Inside a Muji Store 深入生活的極簡主義 ―― 無印良品
【專題特寫】Travel Around the World in Style Inside a Muji Store 深入生活的極簡主義 ―― 無印良品
【文化之窗】Justin Trudeau's Sock Diplomacy Has the World Watching His Feet 襪子外交 用「雙腳」說話
【文法一點通】第六章 時態及語態
【一點就通】Hear Something through the Grapevine 從小道消息得知
【國家地理頻道】My Pacific Quest 我的太平洋大冒險
【綠色生活】CityTree Works to Curb Air Pollution 讓城市呼吸 ―― 淨化空氣的苔蘚牆
【生活快遞】Naps on the Train Might Trigger Brain Alarms 搭車補眠與大腦活動知多少
【主題作文】Do You Prefer to See a Concert in Person or Buy the CD or DVD? 你喜歡親臨演唱會現場還是購買 CD 或 DVD?
【環遊世界】Tea, Teeth, and Kandy in Sri Lanka 飲茶禮佛之邦 ―― 斯里蘭卡
【環遊世界】Tea, Teeth, and Kandy in Sri Lanka 飲茶禮佛之邦 ―― 斯...