特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
Our senses determine the way we experience the world around us. In the May issue of Ivy League , there are several stories about sensory input changing peoples' perceptions. Have you ever seen something that wasn't really there? Take a look at what happens to people as they get older and start to lose their vision in Is Seeing Really Believing? You definitely can't believe everything you see on the Internet. But that doesn't stop people from watching videos online, adding to The Incredible Popularity of YouTube . To get a feel for something you can't experience through a computer screen, there's Sensational Sintra , where you can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste all that Portugal has to offer. In case the food you find isn't up to your standards, add a dash of The World's Most Expensive Spice for more flavor. Portions that are too large can be used for Feeding the Homeless with Leftovers. On the same plate with helping the less fortunate is how one Supermarket Tones it Down to Help Autistic People by lowering the volume of music and eliminating background noises for people with autism who are extra sensitive. Don't hesitate to use all five senses when reading this month's issue of Ivy League !
感官決定我們體驗周遭世界的方式。在《常春藤解析英語》五月號裡,有好幾則關於感官訊息輸入改變人們看法的故事。你曾經看過不是真實存在的事物嗎?在《眼見真為憑?》一文中,看看當人老化並開始喪失視力後會發生什麼事。你肯定不能全盤相信你在網路上看到的一切。但這並不能阻止人們在線上觀看影片,更不能阻擋《新勢力崛起!YouTube 是我們的主場》。想要感受你無法透過電腦螢幕體驗到的感覺,你可以在《在世界盡頭漫步吧!浪漫古城辛特拉》中看到、聽到、觸摸到、聞到並品嚐到葡萄牙能提供給你的一切。假如你找到的食物不符合你的標準,加一點《生長於大地的「紅」金》來增添風味吧。份量過多的食物則可使用《「追蹤剩食」app 同時解決飢餓及剩食問題》。同樣是幫助比較不幸的人們,一家超市的《小計畫大影響:最暖心的安靜時光》則是藉由降低音樂音量及消除背景噪音來協助格外敏感的自閉症患者。在閱讀本月的《常春藤解析英語》時,不要猶豫,運用你的五種感官吧!