定價:NT$ 200
優惠價:95 折,NT$ 190
隨著經濟的快速發展及科技的進步與國際發展趨勢,我國積極進行各類智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)技術的規劃、開發與建設。為使用路人能夠隨時獲得完整、正確以及即時的交通資訊,本所自民國92年起即推動「交通服務e網通」計畫,其中「陸海空客運資訊中心」主要係整合臺鐵、高鐵、國省道客運、航空公司、港務局及海運公司等城際客運之班表及票價資訊,民眾可透過網際網路、行動電話或PDA等不同方式查詢城際大眾運輸資訊,並可選定起迄地點獲得最佳的大眾運輸搭乘建議。本計畫以本所前期所建立之「陸海空客運資訊中心」的資料庫為基礎,導入服務導向構架(Service-Oriented Architecture,簡稱SOA)的設計概念,並研究加入網路服務(Web Service)與代理人服務(Agent Service)機制,建置『智慧型大眾運輸旅運規劃系統』,提供具備自主性、主動性、社會性與反應性之代理人服務,並配合M-Taiwan計畫推動先期規劃其後續應用之需求,而本計畫之成果亦可提供國內其他單位進行先進用路人資訊服務功能提昇時之參考。
Along with the rapid economic and technological evolution, and the international development trend, the development and construction of ITS in Taiwan has obtained significant progress. In order to get intact, correct and real-time traffic information at any time for the traveler, the Institute of Transportation (IOT) has promoted the e-IOT plan promptly since 2003. The e-Trans service offers the timetable and fare information of railway, high speed railway, buses, planes and ships etc. for the intercity passenger transportation. The user can inquire about the mass transit information through the Internet, mobile telephone or PDA etc. The user can also select the origin and destination to get the best planning for mass transit. Based on the database of e-Trans Service, this project combines with the design concept of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Service and Agent Service to establish the intelligent e-Trans Service system. The system can offer Agent Service of Autonomy, Pro-activity, Society and Reactivity. In addition, it will cooperate with M-Taiwan plan to provide other units references for ATIS service.
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 190 NT$ 200
隨著經濟的快速發展及科技的進步與國際發展趨勢,我國積極進行各類智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)技術的規劃、開發與建設。為使用路人能夠隨時獲得完整、正確以及即時的交通資訊,本所自民國92年起即推動「交通服務e網通」計畫,其中「陸海空客運資訊中心」主要係整合臺鐵、高鐵、國省道客運、航空公司、港務局及海運公司等城際客運之班表及票價資訊,民眾可透過網際網路、行動電話或PDA等不同方式查詢城際大眾運輸資訊,並可選定起迄地點獲得最佳的大眾運輸搭乘建議。本計畫以本所前期所建立之「陸海空客運資訊中心」的資料庫為基礎,導入服務導向構架(Service-Oriented Architecture,簡稱SOA)的設計概念,並研究加入網路服務(Web Service)與代理人服務(Agent Service)機制,建置『智慧型大眾運輸旅運規劃系統』,提供具備自主性、主動性、社會性與反應性之代理人服務,並配合M-Taiwan計畫推動先期規劃其後續應用之需求,而本計畫之成果亦可提供國內其他單位進行先進用路人資訊服務功能提昇時之參考。
Along with the rapid economic and technological evolution, and the international development trend, the development and construction of ITS in Taiwan has obtained significant progress. In order to get intact, correct and real-time traffic information at any time for the traveler, the Institute of Transportation (IOT) has promoted the e-IOT plan promptly since 2003. The e-Trans service offers the timetable and fare information of railway, high speed railway, buses, planes and ships etc. for the intercity passenger transportation. The user can inquire about the mass transit information through the Internet, mobile telephone or PDA etc. The user can also select the origin and destination to get the best planning for mass transit. Based on the database of e-Trans Service, this project combines with the design concept of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Service and Agent Service to establish the intelligent e-Trans Service system. The system can offer Agent Service of Autonomy, Pro-activity, Society and Reactivity. In addition, it will cooperate with M-Taiwan plan to provide other units references for ATIS service.