序幕 Who-You-You-Who
第一章 跳越區
「1939 年。」艾迪亞回答。
「是喔! 我還有另外兩個朋友是從地球來的,蝦肉是從1956年來的,他是日本人。將安是從1972 年來的,他是美國人。 」
真要昇突然插話進來。「嗨!我是真要昇。阿米和我都是克喜的好朋友。」 真要昇說道。「克喜,我們應該要走了,天快黑了!」
他按下一個按鈕,前方馬上出現了一個漩渦入口, 把他們全部都吸進去了。他們在一個像蟲洞一樣的空間裡穿梭,正在前往另一個不同的跳越區。此時艾迪亞突然想起一個問題。
克喜很驚訝,「妳不知道什麼是大十魔法?這從 1999 年開始就有了!喔,我忘了妳是從1939年來的了。」
Prologue Who-You-You-Who
Adiale was sitting on a bench when she heard a strange sound. The sky went dark.
A war began, it was World War II. As a teenage girl in Germany, Adiale was top of her class. She knew what was happening in every corner of the world because she watched too much news. She knew about the Nazi’s invasion.
Don’t overthink it, you stupid Germans! You should be their allies! Adiale thought.
The sound of bombing started to explode in everyone’s ears. Then, the bell in the tower rang five times.
Uh oh! It’s almost dinner, I’d better get home.
She ran home as English bombs started falling and set the park on fire. The trees burst up in flames, people ran to get their babies and children.
I am a mature 15 year old and I still think the sight of babies are disgusting. Urgh!
But then, she saw in the midst of all the confusion, a man sitting on a bench, meditating. He had to at least be 70 or 80 years old. He had a long white beard with lots of white hair. When a gust of wind came by, the man disappeared!
It must have just been me. Adiale blinked her eyes, then raced home for dinner.
The next day, Adiale went to see if her favorite reading spot was available. Most people would call her dumb, but she wasn’t. When she got there, the bench was in one piece!
“Who-You-You-Who,” a voice said.
A tickle ran along her spine. She turned her head to find a bony hand laid on her shoulder and an old person’s face gently smiling at her.
“Aah!” Adiale yelled. “It’s you! The meditating guy!”
“That’s right. Shh…, you have to be quiet. Here, come with me.”
“But I can’t!”
“I know you can’t, but you have to!”
Chapter I Jumpers
“So, what’s your name?” Adiale asked.
“Lamputi,” the old man said. “Derteinium Lamputi. Let’s go! No hesitation.”
So they left the park and walked beside a river next to a grove. The trees started to change into a weird shape and the color of the sky was becoming more purple. Adiale soon realized they were in a new world.
“Where are we now?” Adiale asked. She could see some buildings in the distance, in the direction that they were approaching.
“Hush, try to keep low profile here or you will put yourself in big trouble! This is a Jumper called Juniperdinto. It is ruled by an evil man. Let me tell you, his name is Jrunk Lerwan.”
“Wait, did you say THIS Jumper? So there are more?” Adiale asked.
“Yes. A Jumper is like a province in the world of Formonda.”
“Anyway, what’s your full name?” asked Derteinium.
“Adiale Juniphèr Hagën.”
“Ok, Adiale Juniphèr Hagën, because you carry a very important mission here in Formonda, I need to teach you a special power before we run into any danger.”
Then Derteinium started showing Adiale a move using his hands.
“Do NOT use -” Just before Derteinium could finish his sentence, Adiale had tried to mimic the move by cupping her hands and throwing them out in the air. Her eyes turned to yellow, then a plasma was ejected from her hands. Adiale suddenly flew up and was floating in the air. Things that she could see, except for Derteinium, started to twist and roll, then finally disappeared, like being sucked into a black hole.
Adiale just destroyed everything in this Jumper, by accident.
“Oh, my! That settles it…,” said Derteinium while stepping back.
“That was called the ‘Adro’, a legendary power to undo the existence of a Jumper,” Derteinium explained.
“Next time, be careful, please! Only use it when you have to,” he sighed. “Now, it’s time for our adventure.”
They set off. Soon enough on their way, they saw three boys. One of them, with coffee-brown colored spiky hair and carrying a backpack, greeted them,
“Eh, Hi…?” Adiale responded.
“I can tell that you are from Earth. I’m from Earth, too,” the boy said. “My name is Chrishie. I have a few friends that I want you to meet. This is Armi, and this is TruEthan. We all came from the same time of Earth. We are from the year of 2017. Which year are you from?”
“1939,” Adiale responded.
“I see. There are another two boys from Earth. Sharo is from 1956, he is Japanese. John is from 1972. He is American.”
“Who is this person standing next to you?” Armi asked Adiale.
“You should remember me!” Derteinium said, “I’m the one who built the Invite Tunnel for entering Formonda.”
“Oh, Derteinium Lamputi!” Armi knocked on his own head.
TruEthan came in that instant. “Hi, I am TruEthan. Armi and I are Chrishie’s best friends.” TruEthan said. “Chrishie, we should get going. It’s getting dark.”
“Okay. Let’s get a move on!” Chrishie took out a few devices from his backpack, then connected a tablet computer to a weird machine. Adiale pointed at the device and asked,
“What is that?”
“The thing that started this whole thing!” Chrishie said impatiently.
He pressed a button, a portal appeared and sucked them in. Now they were travelling in a wormhole, off to a new Jumper. Adiale suddenly thought about something.
“Wait, so how did I get here in the first place?” Adiale asked Derteinium.
“Who-You-You-Who,” Derteinium responded.
“Who-You-What-What?” Adiale asked.
序幕 Who-You-You-Who
序幕 Who-You-You-Who
第一章 跳越區
第二章 波理斯瑪
第三章 阿努比斯之臉
第四章 布理布理的故事
第五章 雷電市集
第六章 覆蓋大地的黑暗
第七章 因為夢
第八章 強柯勒萬
第九章 黑洞
第十章 水
第十一章 一首詩
第十二章 乘著靈魂之風
第十三章 夜晚駭客
第十四章 可愛怡夫婦的旅程
第十五章 小道消息
第十六章 消失的聲音
第十七章 給女孩們的詛咒
第十八章 分道揚鑣
第十九章 強柯的傷心往事
第二十章 特別的若薇亞
第二十一章 紫羅蘭與眼淚
第二十二章 3-D 列印的洋娃娃
第二十三章 可愛怡聖壇的客棧
第二十四章 茅屋的不速之客
第二十五章 樂凡第的陌生人
第二十六章 樂凡第一日遊
第二十七章 黑暗與光明
第二十八章 大團聚
第二十九章 血的預兆
第三十章 惡人的協議
第三十一章 上路了
第三十二章 大戰役(上)
第三十三章 大戰役(下)
第三十四章 真相揭曉
尾聲 1975年,世界博覽會
序幕 Who-You-You-Who
第一章 跳越區
第二章 波理斯瑪
第三章 阿努比斯之臉
第四章 布理布理的故事
第五章 雷電市集
第六章 覆蓋大地的黑暗
第七章 因為夢
第八章 強柯勒萬
第九章 黑洞
第十章 水
第十一章 一首詩
第十二章 乘著靈魂之風
第十三章 夜晚駭客
第十四章 可愛怡夫婦的旅程
第十五章 小道消息
第十六章 消失的聲音
第十七章 給女孩們的詛咒
第十八章 分道揚鑣
第十九章 強柯的傷心往事
第二十章 特別的若薇亞
第二十一章 紫羅蘭與眼淚
第二十二章 3-D 列印的洋娃娃
第二十三章 ...