Hunter in the sky 天空中的獵人
Stargazing takes imagination. People who love stargazing see the stars as shinning spots in a dot-to-dot drawing game. They imagine lines that connect groups of stars called constellations. A constellation is a group of stars that looks like a person, an animal, or an object.
The constellation Orion is known as the hunter, after a hero from ancient Greek myths. To find Orion, first find the Big Dipper. The Big Dipper looks like a huge cup with a long handle. After you find the Big Dipper, turn around. There’s Orion! He is outlined by four bright stars that form two triangles. The tips of the triangles seem to come together. Where they meet, there are three more bright stars. These form Orion’s belt. Some fainter stars appear to hang from the belt. These are Orion’s sword.
Different kinds of stars are in the constellation Orion. The star Betelgeuse makes Orion’s bright shoulder. Betelgeuse is an Arabic word that means “shoulder of the giant.” The star itself is so huge that it is called a supergiant. Its diameter is 400 times greater than that of our Sun. Betelgeuse is considered a cool star. It is probably not as hot as our Sun.
Rigel is the star that makes Orion’s left foot. Rigel is the Arabic word for foot. Rigel is much brighter than Betelgeuse because it is much hotter. It’s more than three times as hot as our Sun. However, Rigel is just a baby is size compared to Betelgeuse.
A large, misty area near Orion’s sword is called a nebula. It is a mass of shining gas and dust. The gases whirl together and may form new stars. As the new stars begin to shine, Orion will be brighter than ever.
Words and Phrases:
stargaze ['stɑr͵gez]vi 眺望星星;凝視
imagination [ɪ͵mædʒə'neʃən]n. 想像力;空想,想像
drawing game 塗塗畫畫;畫圖遊戲
constellation [͵kɑnstə'leʃən]n. 星座
Orion [o'raɪən]n. 獵戶星座
Big Dipper 北斗七星
triangle ['traɪ͵æŋg!]n. 三角形
faint [fent]adj. 微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的
Betelgeuse n. 獵戶星座中的一等星
Arabic ['ærəbɪk]adj. 阿拉伯的;阿拉伯語的;阿拉伯人的
supergiant['supɚ͵dʒaɪənt] adj. 特大的,超巨型的;n. 超巨星
diameter [daɪ'æmətɚ]n. 直徑
Rigel ['raɪdʒəl]n. 參宿七
misty ['mɪstɪ] adj. 多霧的,被霧籠罩的
nebula['nɛbjʊlə]n. 星雲;星雲狀的星系
whirl [hwɝl]vi旋轉
1. When looking at the constellation, people try to imagine .
A. lines B. games C. spots D. groups
2. Groups of stars are called .
A. stargazers C. ancient myths
C. constellations D. connections
3. The four bright stars in Orion form .
A. a big cup B. two triangles C. a long handle D. an animal
4. Betelgeuse makes .
A. Arabic words B. Orion’s shoulders
C. different stars D. huge sizes
5. Orion may shine brighter .
A. when Rigel explodes B. as new stars shine
C. as dust shines D. as dust forms
1. 在看星座的時候,人們試圖想像星星之間有 .
A.線條 B. 遊戲 C.斑點 D.成群的
2. 成群的星星被稱為 .
A. 占星師 B. 古代神話 C. 星座 D. 聯結體
3. 在獵戶星座裏,四顆明亮的星星組成 .
A.一個大杯子 B. 兩個三角形 C. 一個長長的手柄 D. 一隻動物
4. β星組成 .
A.阿拉伯語言 B. 獵戶座的肩膀 C.不同的星星 D. 巨大的面積
5. 獵戶星或許會更明亮。
A. 當參宿七爆炸時 B.當新星星開始閃爍時 C. 當灰塵發光時 D.當灰塵形成時
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B
The Space Shuttle 太空梭
Space shuttles go back and forth between Earth and space. The first one flew on April 12, 1981. A space shuttle has four main parts. They are the orbiter, the fuel tank, and two rocket boosters.
The orbiter looks like an airplane. It carries the crew. A huge tank is attached to the orbiter. It holds fuel for the orbiter’s engines. A rocket booster is on each side of the tank. These fire on liftoff. In two minutes, the rockets run out of fuel and fall off. Parachutes slow their drop to the sea. Then boats tow them to shore. Rockets can be used as many as 20 times. The big tank runs out of fuel in eight minutes. It falls and breaks apart over the sea. Now the orbiter enters its orbit.
There may be up to seven crew members on board the orbiter. They do tests. They might launch satellites. In 1999, a shuttle went up to fix the Hubble telescope. The Hubble is as big as a bus. The shuttle caught it. The telescope was held in the cargo bay. That’s an open place like the back of a pickup truck. The crew worked out in space to make repairs. They wore space suits. They were attached to the shuttle by a long line. A robot arm put the Hubble back in orbit.
When it’s time to come home, the orbiter’s engines fire. This slows the shuttle, and it drops from orbit. Tiles protect the shuttle from heat caused by entering Earth’s atmosphere. The shuttle then acts like an airplane. It glides to a landing on a runway.
Words and Phrases:
space shuttle 太空梭
orbiter ['ɔrbɪtɚ] n. 軌道飛行器
fuel tank 燃料箱
rocket booster 火箭加速器;火箭助推器
run out of 用完
parachute ['pærə͵ʃut]n. 降落傘
tow [to]vt.拖,拉
orbit ['ɔrbɪt]n. 軌道
launch [lɔntʃ]vt.發射
satellite ['sæt!͵aɪt] n. 衛星;人造衛星
Hubble telescope 哈伯望遠鏡
cargo bay 貨倉
pickup truck 小型載貨卡車
robot arm 機械手臂
atmosphere ['ætməs͵fɪr]n. 大氣,大氣層
runway ['rʌn͵we]n.(機場的)跑道
1. When do the rocket boosters fire?
A. while the orbiter is circling Earth
B. right before landing
C. on liftoff
2. When does the orbiter enter its orbit?
A. after the big fuel tank falls to the sea
B. when the parachutes open
C. after a satellite is launched
3. When was the telescope held in the cargo bay?
A. before 1999
B. after the shuttle caught it
C. after a robot arm put it in orbit
4. When do the orbiter’s engines fire?
A. when it’s time to return to Earth
B. before it reaches orbit
C. when the crew works out in space
1.C 2. A 3. B 4. A
Our Big Universe 浩瀚的宇宙
For many years people have had questions about the universe. In ancient times they thought the world rested on the back of an elephant. When asked what the elephant stood on, they answered, “on the back of a turtle.” Most ancient people believed the sun, moon, and stars revolved around the earth. Some also taught that the earth was flat because to them it looked that way. They were afraid that if one went too far in any direction, he would fall off the edge.
These beliefs, in the form of legends, myths, and stories, were accepted as facts when they really were opinions. Opinions are beliefs that people have without positive knowledge or proof. The fact that God created the universe has, even today, been ignored by many persons. Instead, they have accepted opinions and ideas to replace the truth that God has revealed in the Bible.
The astronomers’ eyes. About three hundred seventy years ago an instrument was made to help scientists learn more about space. The story has been told about a Dutchman who made eyeglasses. His name was Hans Lippershey. One day, unknown to him, his children slipped into the shop where he worked. They began to play with some glass lenses. One of the children picked up two lenses and looked out the window. He was surprised at what he saw. He noticed that a church which was far away looked much closer and bigger. He called his father. His father rushed in and was amazed at what he saw. By chance Hans’ son had made a very important discovery. He had discovered that if he held a lens near his eye and another lens a little farther away, objects at a distance appeared to be much closer and bigger than they really were. A short time later an Italian scientist named Galileo, heard about this discovery. He started at once to use two lenses and made a telescope.
Since the time Lippershey and Galileo made their first telescopes in 1608 and 1609, scientists have made larger and better ones. The telescope has opened new worlds in astronomy. With telescopes astronomers can see farther and farther into space.
Another instrument that has aided in space study is the spectroscope. A spectroscope measures light from heavenly bodies. When you see a rainbow in the sky you are looking at a type of spectroscope. The light of the sun shining on the drops of water is broken into the colors of the rainbow. A spectroscope works like the raindrops to break up the colors of light from faraway heavenly bodies. By using a spectroscope with a telescope, and astronomer can learn important information about the stars.
Astronomers use another important instrument called a radio telescope to study the universe. The radio telescope is used to receive radio signals from stars and other objects in space. These radio signals are called waves.
A machine attached to the radio telescope strengthens the signals and records them as wavy lines on a piece of paper. The wavy lines tell the astronomer the distance to the object and where it is located in space. In this way, the astronomer gets the information from stars that are so far away and so dim that they cannot be seen through a regular telescope.
From these instruments, astronomers can get the needed information to make maps of the heavenly bodies.
Words and Phrases:
ancient['enʃənt] adj.古代的,古老的
turtle['tɝt!]n. 海龜,甲魚
revolve [rɪ'vɑlv]v.(使)旋轉
fall off 跌落
ignore [ɪg'nor]vt.不顧,不理,忽視
astronomer [ə'strɑnəmɚ]n.天文學家
instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt]n. 器具,儀器
slip into 悄悄進入
by chance 偶然地,意外地
astronomy [əs'trɑnəmɪ]n.天文學
spectroscope ['spɛktrə͵skop]n. 光譜儀
heavenly bodies 天體
rainbow ['ren͵bo]n. 彩虹
break into 把……分成
break up 分解
radio telescope n. 電波望遠鏡;無線電望遠鏡
radio signal 無線電信號
wavy ['wevɪ]adj. 波狀的;起伏的;有波紋的
1. Many ancient people believed that the earth rested on the back of .
A. a dog B. a bird C. an elephant D. a cat
2. This belief in 1 was widely accepted as by many.
A. fact B. proof C. silly D. unbelievable
3. Theories and ideas of men have often replaced the of God’s Word.
A. error B. mistakes C. truth D. uncertainty
4. An Italian scientist who improved upon the telescope and made it popular was
A. Lippershey B. Galileo C. Marconi D. none of these
1. 古時候很多人相信地球坐落在背上。
A.一隻狗 B.一隻鳥 C. 一頭大象 D. 一隻貓
2. 許多人認為1這種信念是。s
A.事實 B.證據 C.愚蠢的 D.不可思議的
3. 當時的理論和觀點完全取代了聖經所講述的。
A.過失 B.錯誤 C. 事實 D.不確定
4. 改進望遠鏡並促使它廣泛使用的一位義大利科學家是。
A.李普希 B.伽利略 C.馬可尼 D.都不是
1.C 2.A 3.C 4. B
Hunter in the sky 天空中的獵人
Stargazing takes imagination. People who love stargazing see the stars as shinning spots in a dot-to-dot drawing game. They imagine lines that connect groups of stars called constellations. A constellation is a group of stars that looks like a person, an animal, or an object.
The constellation Orion is known as the hunter, after a hero from ancient Greek myths. To find Orion, first find the Big Dipper. The Big Dipper looks like a huge cup with a...
★資深英語外國教師 Brian Foden熱情推薦★
給親愛的讀者 / 學生 / 教師 :
Brian Foden
★資深英語外國教師 Brian Foden熱情推薦★
給親愛的讀者 / 學生 / 教師 :
Science 自然科學
016 Hunter in the sky I-01 / 001 天空中的獵人
020 The Space Shuttle I-02 / 002 太空梭
025 Our Big Universe I-03 / 003 浩瀚的宇宙
030 Our Amazing Skin I-04 / 004 神奇的皮膚
034 Tears and More Tears I-05 / 005 眼淚
038 How does Nervous System Work I-06 / 006 神經系統如何運作
042 The Digestive System I-07 / 007 消化系統
046 Telltale Print I-08 / 008 能斷案的指紋
050 Meat-Eating Plants I-09 / 009 肉食植物
054 Stop that pacing, Fido I-10 / 010 費兜,安靜!
058 Secret Sharks I-11 / 011 神祕的鯊魚
062 Disappearing Dinosaurs I-12 / 012 滅絕的恐龍
066 Animal Partners I-13 / 013 動物界的夥伴關係
070 How Animals Sleep I-14 / 014 動物是怎樣睡覺的
074 Koalas I-15 / 015 無尾熊
078 Tales of Tail I-16 / 016 動物尾巴的作用
082 The Food Chains I-17 / 017 食物鏈
086 The Layer of Earth I-18 / 018 地層
089 Pollution I-19 / 019 污染
093 Energy I-20 / 020 能量
Society 社會
098 My America’s Freedoms II-01 / 021 美國的自由
103 Crazy Town, U.S.A. II-02 / 022 美國的瘋狂之城
107 How to Win a Prize II-03 / 023 如何得獎
111 How to Box the Gnat II-04 / 024 怎樣跳「棒打小昆蟲」
115 King of the Worms II-05 / 025 蟲子之王
118 How the Mail is Delivered II-06 / 026 信的流程
122 The Pony Express II-07 / 027 驛馬快遞
127 Money Doctors II-08 / 028 錢醫
131 Changes in Farming II-09 / 029 農業變革
135 Trains of the past II-10 / 030 火車的發展史
139 Umbrellas II-11 / 031 傘的發展史
143 Paper II-12 / 032 紙
147 The History of Kites II-13 / 033 風箏的歷史
151 Garden Art II-14 / 034 園林藝術
155 Yellowstone National Park II-15 / 035 黃石國家公園
159 Ferris’s Wheel II-16 / 036 費理斯的摩天輪
163 Tepees: Native American Homes II-17 / 037圓錐帳篷—美國原住民的家
168 Olympic Games II-18 / 038 奧林匹克運動會
History 歷史
174 Columbus Discovers the New World III-01 / 039 哥倫布發現新大陸
178 The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony III-02 / 040 清教徒和普利茅斯殖民地
182 The Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence III-03 / 041
186 The American Revolution III-04 / 042 美國獨立戰爭
191 The Mexican War III-05 / 043 墨西哥戰爭
195 The Civil War III-06 / 044 美國內戰
201 World War I III-07 / 045 第一次世界大戰
206 The Great Depression III-08 / 046 大蕭條時期
212 World War II III-09 / 047 第二次世界大戰
218 The Cold War III-10 / 048 冷戰
222 The End of the Cold War III-11 / 049 冷戰結束
Language Art 語文
230 Synonym and Antonym IV-01 / 050 同義字和反義字
233 Kinds of Sentences IV-02 / 051 句子的類型
236 Present-Tense and Past-Tense Verbs IV-03 / 052動詞的現在式和過去式
239 Analogies 類比
241 How to Write a Paragraph IV-04 / 053 如何寫段落
243 Story Order IV-05 / 054 故事順序
245 Book Report Writing IV-06 / 055 讀書報告
Mathematics 數學
250 Addition and Subtraction Operations & Three-digit Subtraction V-01 / 056
255 Problem Solving V-02 / 057 解決問題
259 Rounding off Numbers V-03 / 058 數字的四捨五入
260 Estimation of Sums V-04 / 059 概算總和
262 Multiplication and Division V-05 / 060 乘法和除法
264 The Meaning of Division V-06 / 061 除法的意義
266 Meaning of Fractions V-07 / 062 分數的意義
267 Meaning of Decimals V-08 / 063 小數的意義
268 Geometric Drawing V-09 / 064 幾何圖形
270 Area V-10 / 065 面積
271 Figures V-11 / 066 圖形
273 Money and Time V-12 / 067 金錢和時間
275 Elapsed Time V-13 / 068 經過的時間
Other Subjects 其他
278 Physical Education (PE) VI-01 / 069 體育課
281 One! Two! Three! Go! VI-02 / 070 一、二、三、開始!
282 Ready! Get Set! Pedal! VI-03 / 071 準備!踩好!開始蹬!
286 My America Songs VI-04 / 072 美國的歌曲
288 How to Decorate a T-Shirt VI-05 / 073 怎樣裝飾 T 恤
291 Make A Drum VI-06 / 074 鼓的製作
295 Pet Day at School VI-07 / 075 學校寵物日
296 Our Class Play VI-08 / 076 班級演出
Science 自然科學
016 Hunter in the sky I-01 / 001 天空中的獵人
020 The Space Shuttle I-02 / 002 太空梭
025 Our Big Universe I-03 / 003 浩瀚的宇宙
030 Our Amazing Skin I-04 / 004 神奇的皮膚
034 Tears and More Tears I-05 / 005 眼淚
038 How does Nervous System Work I-06 / 006 神經系統如何運作
042 The Digestive System I-07 / 007 消化系統
046 Telltale Print I-08 / 008 能斷案的指紋
050 Meat-Eating Plants I-09 / 009 肉食植物
054 Stop that pacing, Fido I-10 / 010 費兜,安靜!
058 Secret Shark...