無論在學校求學,或者是在社會上求職就業,從此面對英文都不用再哀號!Just Do I! Don't Worry. Be Happy!
1. 台灣輔仁大學法律系畢業
2. 美國波士頓大學銀行法碩士班肄業
3. 美國首都華盛頓美利堅大學國際法碩士班畢業
4. 現已退休定居美國
當今世界上,最通用的語文非美國式英語文莫屬(英國式英語文在某些拼字或者讀音上有些不同,但不構成我們學習上的障礙,讀者大可不必在意)。因此,學習美國式英語文就成為我們必需修的課題。無論在學校求學中,或者是在社會上求職就業,都要經歷過英語文的考試。又有誰知道,你我當中,有多少人在紅字邊緣,有些人甚至被當掉。無可否認,有極少數的人,對學習語文的能力真是驚人,可說是天才,然而對絕大多數的人而言, 確實讓人頭疼。
一般公認,學習一國的語文,從簡而難可分為聽、說、讀和寫四個階段。旅美期間,與美國人交談,不管是白人,還是黑人,有時候關鍵字(key word)搞不清楚是哪個字,要求他寫出來時,往往無法拼出正確的字。此時此刻,讓筆者想起童年時代,暑假農忙時期,要幫忙父母做些農事,有位姑丈問筆者,鋤頭和筆哪一樣比較重?筆者毫不加以考慮,答曰鋤頭當然比較重。那位長輩居然笑笑地解釋道,拿起筆來,遲遲無法寫出一個字來,有如千斤重擔,而提起鋤頭挖土,卻是輕鬆自在。筆者當時年少無法知其真義,直至年歲漸長,方知其道理之所在。
第二,從完整的英文句子中先記住單字 其目的在於,我們完全了解句子的前後文意義之後,要記住單字當可事半而功倍,並且不容易忘記。
第三,本書不但將單字翻成中文,列出一個相似字之外,還將其詞類寫出來, 方便讀者能夠舉一反三,從翻查英英字典或者英漢字典之中,找出更多的相似字,以及它們的詞類(諸如,動詞、副詞、形容詞、名詞之類)。
最後,以簡短的兩句英文,與讀者們共勉之「Just Do It.」「Don't Worry. Be Happy.」同時要感謝姪女李昭儀對本書的校對、印刷及姪子李鍊賦的排版與設計,他們在百忙之中,讓本書予以出版,功不可沒。當然,讀者在研讀之後,英語文的聽、說、讀和寫之能力,得以精進,是為作者之殷殷期盼!
1. An ominous view would be threatening.
註解 不祥的 (形容詞)
2. To speak ruefully means to speak sorrowfully.
註解 悲傷地(副詞)
3. To mesmerize persons is to hypnotize them.
註解 迷惑(不定詞)
4. An onerous task is one which is burdensome.
註解 繁重的(形容詞)
5. A valid story is sound.
註解 確實的 (形容詞)
6. An epigram is a witty thought.
註解 警語,思想(名詞)
7. Dresden is a type of pottery.
註解 陶器(名詞,德國陶器)
8. To exemplify means to illustrate.
註解 例示(不定詞)
9. A rendezvous is a meeting-place.
註解 會合地(名詞)
10. A raucous sound is hoarse.
註解 沙啞的(形容詞)
11. An indolent man is one who is lazy.
註解 懶惰的(形容詞)
12. Irony refers to sarcasm.
註解 諷刺(名詞)
13. A parody is an imitation.
註解 模仿(名詞)
14. An act which is tantamount to guilt is equal to it.
註解 相等的(形容詞)
15. A stigma refers to a mark of disgrace.
註解 汙名,瑕疵(名詞)
16. Forensic refers to debates.
註解 辯論(名詞)
17. Tangible evidence is perceptible.
註解 確實的,可以認知的(形容詞)
18. To paraphrase a statement is to restate it.
註解 重述(不定詞)
19. A transient meeting is fleeting.
註解 短暫的(形容詞)
20. Progeny is offspring.
註解 子孫,結果(名詞)
21. Snakes that are innocuous are harmless.
註解 無毒的,無害的(形容詞)
22. The veracity of a person’s statement refers to the statement’s truthfulness.
註解 確實,坦白(名詞)
23. A prodigious meal is enormous.
註解 巨大的(形容詞)
24. An enervating climate would be a climate that weakens you.
註解 無力的(形容詞,同義字為動詞)
25. A lyre is a musical instrument.
註解 七弦琴,樂器(名詞)
26. An amulet is a lucky charm.
註解 護身符(名詞)
27. Filial love is love of children for parents.
註解 子女的,孝順的(形容詞)
28. Marital feeling exists between married persons.
註解 戰爭的,結婚的(形容詞)
29. A profusion of products implies abundance.
註解 很多,豐富(名詞)
30. To promulgate the truth means to publish it.
註解 公佈,傳播(不定詞)
31. Discretion which is the better part of valor refers to caution.
註解 謹慎(名詞)
32. To elicit means to draw out.
註解 抽出(不定詞)
33. A discriminating person notes what different is.
註解 有辨識力的,區別的(形容詞)
34. A derelict is an outcast.
註解 被遺棄的人或物(名詞)
35. Nefarious schemes are wicked.
註解 兇惡的(形容詞)
36. A morbid story is gloomy.
註解 不健康的,悲觀的(形容詞)
37. An indomitable spirit is unconquerable.
註解 不能征服的(形容詞)
38. Denizens of a city are citizens.
註解 居民,公民(名詞)
39. A zenith refers to a summit.
註解 巔峰,最高點(名詞)
40. Calloused feelings are hardened.
註解 無情的,堅硬的(形容詞)
41. To award a medal posthumously means to award it after death.
註解 死後的(形容詞)
42. To improvise a fancy costume is to make it without much preparation.
註解 即席而作 (不定詞)
43. To epitomize is to summarize.
註解 摘要(不定詞)
44. A cosmopolitan person is worldly.
註解 四海為家的(形容詞)
45. An obituary column deals with deaths.
註解 訃文(名詞)
46. A flamboyant personality is virtuous.
註解 燦爛的(形容詞)
47. A didactic occupation would require teaching.
註解 教誨的(形容詞)
48. A mendicant is a beggar.
註解 乞丐(名詞)
49. Diverse items are varied.
註解 種種的,形形色色的(形容詞)
50. Rehabilitated criminals are restored.
註解 修復的,改造的(形容詞)
51. A sinecure is a position which requires little work.
註解 閒差(名詞)
52. To be implacable is to be perplexed.
註解 難解的 (形容詞)
53. An adage refers to a proverb.
註解 格言(名詞)
54. An odyssey is a long journey.
註解 長期的冒險旅行(名詞)
55. Dulcet tones are pleasant.
註解 悅耳的(形容詞)
56. An analogy is a comparison.
註解 類似 (名詞)
57. A modicum of gory is a small mount.
註解 少量 (名詞)
58. An incongruity is an inconsistency.
註解 不相稱,前後不一致 (名詞)
59. A reprehensible neglect of duty would be blamable.
註解 應受責難的 (形容詞)
60. To note discrepancies to note differences.
註解 不同,矛盾 (名詞)
61. A callow youth is one who is inexperienced.
註解 沒有經驗的 (形容詞)
62. An oboe is a wind instrument.
註解 雙簧管樂器 (名詞)
63. An obnoxious person is unpopular.
註解 使人討厭的 (形容詞)
64. To obfuscate means to obscure.
註解 使模糊 (不定詞)
65. Hypochondriacs are people who think they are sick.
註解 憂鬱症,臆想病 (名詞)
66. Beguiling river byways are bewitching.
註解 令人陶醉的 (形容詞)
67. Rattan is a type of reed.
註解 藤條,蘆葦 (名詞)
68. A gourmet is fond of food.
註解 美食的人 (名詞)
69. Cerebral pertains to the brain.
註解 大腦 (名詞)
70. A transitory feeling is fleeting.
註解 短暫的 (形容詞)
71. A feeling of animosity is one of hatred.
註解 仇恨 (名詞)
72. An allegory is a fable.
註解 寓言,傳說 (名詞)
73. A person ostracized by society is barred.
註解 排斥的 (形容詞)
74. Boiling cauldrons are dishes.
註解 鍋,碟,盤 (名詞,亦同 caldrons)
75. To subsidize means to give financial aid.
註解 金錢支助 (不定詞)
76. An insurrection is an uprising.
註解 暴動 (名詞)
77. When a country capitulates, it surrenders.
註解 投降 (動詞)
78. To be naive is to be unaffected.
註解 天真的 (形容詞)
79. Dogmatic views are positive.
註解 教理的,武斷的 (形容詞)
80. Edification refers to instruction.
註解 啟迪,教化 (名詞)
81. A paragon is a model.
註解 模範 (名詞)
82. A grotesque figure is ridiculous.
註解 古怪的,可笑的 (形容詞)
83. To defer payment means to put it off.
註解 延緩 (不定詞)
84. An elegy is a funeral song.
註解 輓歌 (名詞)
85. Debauchery refers to drunkenness.
註解 放蕩,酗酒 (名詞)
86. Initiative refers to self-reliance.
註解 主動 (名詞)
87. A vestige is a trace.
註解 痕跡 (名詞)
88. An anthropologist is one who studies the human race.
註解 人類學家 (名詞)
89. An insolent manner is insulting.
註解 無禮的,侮慢的 (形容詞)
90. An antidote refers to a subscription.
註解 對策,認捐 (名詞)
91. A person who is facetious is happy.
註解 好開玩笑的 (形容詞)
92. Egotists think of themselves.
註解 自私 (名詞)
93. A vocation is a job.
註解 職業 (名詞)
94. When you corroborate a statement, you confirm it.
註解 確定 (動詞)
95. To be indicted means to be charged.
註解 控告 (動詞,被動式)
96. To affiliate with a group is to join it.
註解 結交,聯絡 (不定詞)
97. A tithe is given to a government.
註解 交稅 (名詞)
98. Cohesion refers to unity.
註解 團結 (名詞)
99. A love potion is a disease.
註解 一劑藥(隱) (名詞)
100. To be impeccable is to be blameless.
註解 無瑕疵的,完善的 (形容詞)
1. An ominous view would be threatening.
註解 不祥的 (形容詞)
2. To speak ruefully means to speak sorrowfully.
註解 悲傷地(副詞)
3. To mesmerize persons is to hypnotize them.
註解 迷惑(不定詞)
4. An onerous task is one which is burdensome.
註解 繁重的(形容詞)
5. A valid story is sound.
註解 確實的 (形容詞)
6. An epigram is a witty thought.
註解 警語,思想(名詞)
7. Dresden is a type of pottery.
註解 陶器(名詞,德國陶器)
8. To exemplify means to illustrate.
出版社:李昭儀出版日期:2020-12-01ISBN/ISSN:9789574381968 語言:繁體中文For input string: ""
裝訂方式:平裝頁數:190頁開數:26 x 18.7 cm