本書特色 歷史悠久的中華文物集結於墾丁夏都沙灘酒店長年展出,特別出刊本書一覽古董文物魅力。內容介紹 墾丁夏都沙酒店於2006年第三舘(波西塔諾)舘落成後,特商洽本公司關係企業”致和堂”借展中華文物,以加強旅客之服務並提供旅客更深層文化、藝術、享受、欣賞精美文物,提高休閒生活水平。 2000年中國南京博物院,配合新舘落成向台灣”致和堂”借展古玉66件,並出版【古玉菁華】,其中部份古玉為本次展品。 珍寶之旅是結合渡假、休閒、文物研究、文物藝術欣賞、鑑賞為目的。我們將定期的更換展品,更以旅客至上之精神,努力開創新的構想,讓每位來客,留下美好的回憶。 Since the opening of Hotel Positano in 2006, Château Beach Resort Kenting exhibits period pieces of chinese antique treasure. Thanks to this loan of Chi-Ho Tang’s collection, we wish to afford our clients, as well as all tourists in this area, an opportunity to look at the exquisite pieces of art and an enjoyable stay rich of culture elements. An important catalogue “Gu Yu Ching Hua(Selection of Antique Jade)” has been published by chance of the loan exhibition of Chi-Ho Tang’s collection in Nanking Museum (China ) in 2000. Among those 66 selected 9 years ago, some pieces of jade antiques are also part of our exhibit today. The purpose of this exhibition is to afford the lovers of knowledge, arts and history an unforgettable vacation in our resort. We will periodically change the content of our collection and we wish that every piece of these treasures would be the best souvenir of Château Beach Resort Kenting.