產品特色 :
1. 本書收錄超過 54,000字彙和詞組,還收錄包括了美語和英語的不同用語,以區別兩者之間的分歧。
2. 收錄超過 15000多個成語,搭配詞,以及常用的片語。
3. 由美語和英語中明確定義了超過74,000的例句和短句。
4. 透過廣泛的標籤使用指南,來標示字彙的屬性「例如:古老用語、技術用語、非正式用書及幽默用語等。」
5. 注釋,以淺白例句重述片語字彙的短句。讓讀者更快明白字彙的定義。
6. 文法注釋標示可數與不可數名詞。字彙用法(Usage Notes)及段落使用(Usage Paragraphs)等功能。
7. 本書每個字彙以「‧」區別音節,並以國際音標(IPA)來標音,讓讀者了解字彙的發音方式。
8. 本書適用英語第二外語(ESL)、英語外語(EFL)、英語學習(ELL)、及托福(TOEFL)等讀者使用。
Product Description
More than 54,000 words and phrases
Coverage of both U.S. and British English and their differences
More than 15,000 idioms, collocations, and commonly used phrases from American and British English
Clarifies definitions with over 74,000 example sentences and phrases
Usage guidance through extensive labeling (old fashioned, technical, informal, humorous, etc.); glosses (restatements to explain example phrases); count and non-count labeling; usage notes; and usage paragraphs
About the Author
Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world.