沒時間做練習卷,沒關係!你可以在通勤的車上聽1分鐘的英文!(剩下的時間還可以拿來玩candy crush耶!)
讓英文進駐腦海Step 1:精選生活中最常見的10大話題,一天聽一段,學習無負擔!
讓英文進駐腦海Step 2:嚴選破解各大話題超過1000個關鍵單字,開啟你英語理解力的大門!
讓英文進駐腦海Step 3:各大新聞台(CNN、BBC等)真實語料,讓你彷彿置身於英語系國家!
■補教界英語名師 強森(Johnson)
擁有美國UCLA語言教學研究碩士學位,大學時期以優異的英文能力擔任The China Post make-up editor(中國英語郵報編輯),並專任高中家教班英語講師多年,多年來致力於推動全民英檢教學,其任教班級為全體系GEPT中級通過率最高。為一同樣擁有超高人氣的英語補教名師,擅長「英文寫作」和「會話」,道地口音讓學生們大大地提高了上課的興趣。
■ 著作:《黑馬英文單字》(強森、李維◎合著)、《英文搶分片語— 看這本就夠了》、《基礎英文文法— 看這本就夠了》、《英文閱讀保證班—暢銷增訂版》、《新多益考試速成班—實用高分版》、《新聞英文,你應該看這一本!》
■ 最新著作:《微‧英‧聽── 一點一滴聽英文,就從今天起!》
■ 著作:《神啊!我想學好英文文法!—十九堂英文課替你打下完美的英文基礎》
■ 最新著作:《微‧英‧聽── 一點一滴聽英語,就從今天起!》
Unit 1 健康篇
1. Stages of Sleep 睡眠的階段
Track 1
Most of us spend a third of our lives asleep. Studies show that sleep disturbances, such as jet lag, can increase our risks of obesity and diabetes, but researchers are still unsure of the exact reason. Therefore, scientists have been conducting studies to learn what happens in our brain while we sleep. Scientists tell us that there are four stages of sleep. During each stage our brain behaves differently and so does our body. Each stage is marked by changes in the pattern of brain waves, which can be recorded by a machine.
disturbance n. 擾亂
increase v. 增加
risk n. 風險
obesity n. 肥胖
diabetes n. 糖尿病
conduct v. 實施
Studies show that shift work and other sleep disturbances like jet lag can disrupt your body clock and increase the risks of obesity and diabetes. But, until now, researchers haven’t really been sure exactly how these changes affect the body’s metabolism.
(Source: Time http://healthland.time.com/2012/04/12/why-shift-work-and-sleeplessness-lead-to-weight-gain-and-diabetes/ )
Track 2
In the first stage, we drift off to sleep. Our muscles begin to relax. Our heartbeat and breathing slows down. Our body temperature and blood pressure begin to drop. The second stage is marked by small and rapid brain waves. Our eyes dart quickly from side to side as if watching a movie. This is known as the “rapid eye movement”, or REM sleep. During the REM phase dreaming takes place. In the third stage the brain activities slow down once again.
在第一階段時,我們不知不覺睡著了。肌肉開始放鬆,心跳與呼吸變得緩慢。體溫與血壓開始下降。睡眠進入第二階段時,特徵是腦波短促且急速。我們的雙眼左右急轉,就像在觀賞影片一樣。這段睡眠時間以稱「快速動眼期」,或稱為 REM 睡眠。在REM 睡眠階段,我們開始做夢。在第三階段當中,腦波再度變得緩慢。
stage n. 階段
drift v. 漂流
heartbeat n. 心跳
rapid adj. 快速的
dart v. 狂奔
phase n. 階段
Track 3
Within about 45 minutes of falling asleep, we progress into the final stage—the “deep sleep” phase, during which our brain sends out slower but larger brain waves. This is the most restful stage of the sleep cycle but it is also the time when the sleeper is most likely to change positions or sleepwalk. After deep sleep we return to stage two. As the hours pass we repeat the sleep cycle four to five times until we finally wake up.
在睡著後 45 分鐘內,我們進行到第四階段—熟睡。熟睡時,腦子發出較慢但較大的腦波。這是最平靜的睡眠階段,但這時睡眠者也最可能改變姿勢或夢遊。熟睡後,我們再回到第二階段。隨著時間過去,我們重覆睡眠循環四到五次,直到最後我們醒過來。
restful adj. 充分休息的
cycle n. 循環
position n. 姿勢
sleepwalk v. 夢遊
找找看,這些關鍵單字有哪些出現在前面的新聞報導中呢?(Track 018)
1. ability [ əˋbiliti ] ( n.) 能力
2. anxious [ æŋkʃəs ] ( a.) 焦急的;憂慮的;擔心的
3. autism [ ˋɔtɪzəm ] ( n.) 自閉症
4. autistic [ ɔˋtɪstɪk ] ( adj.) 自閉症的
5. bacteria [ bækˋtɪrɪə ] ( n.) 細菌;病菌
6. behavior [ bɪˋhevjɚ ] ( n.) 行為;舉止
7. blood [ blʌd ] ( n.) 血;血液
8. brain [bren ] ( n.) 腦
9. bug [ bʌg ] ( n.) 病菌
10. byproduct [ baɪ͵prɑdəkt ] ( n.) 副產物
11. cancer [ ˋkænsɚ ] ( n.) 癌症;惡性腫瘤
12. care [ kɛr ] ( n.) 照顧;保護
13. cell [ sɛl ] ( n.) 細胞
14. clinic [ ˋklɪnɪk ] ( n.) 診所
15. cognitive [kɑgnətɪv ] ( adj. ) 認知智商
16. cold [ kold ] ( n.) 感冒
17. common cold [ kɑmən kold ] (n.) 一般、流行、普通感冒
18. cortisol [ kɔrtɪsɑl ] ( n.) 皮質醇
19. cough [ kɔf ] ( n.) 咳嗽
20. damaging [ˋdæmɪdʒɪŋ ] ( adj.) 損壞;有害的
21. death [ dɛθ ] ( n.) 死;死亡
22. deficit [ ˋdɛfɪsɪt ] ( n.) 缺陷
23. detection [ dɪˋtɛkʃən ] ( n.) 檢測;偵查
24. diabetes [ daɪəˋbitiz ] ( n.) 糖尿病
25. diagnose [ daɪəgnoz ] ( n.) 診斷
26. disability [ dɪsəˋbɪlətɪ ] ( n.) 殘疾;殘障;缺陷
27. disable [ dɪsˋeb! ] ( v.) 使失去能力
28. disadvantaged [ dɪsədˋvæntɪdʒ ] ( n.) 處於弱勢的人
29. disease [ dɪˋziz ] ( n.) 病
30. disorder [ dɪsˋɔrdɚ ] ( n.) 疾病
31. disrupt [ dɪsˋrʌpt ] ( n.) 擾亂
32. disturbance [ dɪsˋtɝbəns ] ( n.) 擾亂;打擾
33. doctor [ dɑktɚ ] ( n.) 醫生,
34. enhance [ ɪnˋhæns ] ( v.) 提高;增加(價值、品質)
35. environment [ ɪnˋvaɪrənmənt ] ( n.) 環境;四周狀況
36. epidemic [ ɛpɪˋdɛmɪk ] ( n.) 流行病
37. epidemiology [ ɛpɪ͵dimɪˋɑlədʒɪ ] ( n.) 流行病學
38. erosion [ ɪˋroʒən ] ( n.) 侵蝕;腐蝕
39. exposure [ ɪkˋspoʒɚ ] ( n.) 接觸
40. fatal [ fet! ] ( adj.) 致命的
41. functioning [ ˋfʌŋkʃənɪŋ ] ( v.) 功能;作用
42. havoc [ hævək ] ( n.) 嚴重破壞
43. health [ hɛlθ ] ( n.) 健康
44. heart attack[ hɑrt əˋtæk ] ( ph.) 心臟病
45. hormone [ hɔrmon ] ( n.) 荷爾蒙
46. illness [ɪlnɪs ] ( n.) 疾病
47. immune system [ ɪˋmjun ˋsɪstəm ] ( n.) 免疫系統
48. improve [ ɪmˋpruv ] ( v.) 改進;改善
49. incredible [ ɪnˋkrɛdəb! ] ( adj.) 令人難以想像的
50. innate [ ɪnˋet ] ( n.) 先天性的
51. intellectual [ ɪnt!ˋɛktʃʊəl ] ( n.) 智慧;智力
52. interacting [ ɪntəˋrækt ] ( v.) 互動
53. intervention [ ɪntɚˋvɛnʃən ] ( n.) 介入;預防
54. jet lag [ dʒɛt læg ] ( n.) 時差(感)
55. medical [ mɛdɪk ] ( n.) 醫學的;健康檢查
56. melanoma [ mɛləˋnomə] ( n.) 黑素瘤
57. method [ mɛθəd ] ( n.) 方法
58. minority [ maɪˋnɔrətɪ] ( n.) 少數
59. mortality [ mɔrˋtælətɪ] ( n.) 死亡率
60. nasal drops [ nez! drɑp ] ( n.) 鼻滴劑
61. obesity [ oˋbisətɪ ] ( n.) 肥胖症
62. oversensitivity [ ˋovɚˋsɛnsɪtɪvətɪ ] ( adj.) 過度敏感
63. pandemic [ pænˋdɛmɪk ] ( adj.) 全國流行的疾病
64. participant [ pɑrˋtɪsəpənt ] ( n.) 參與者
65. patient [ peʃənt ] ( n.) 患者;病人
66. pediatrician [ pidɪəˋtrɪʃən ] ( n.) 小兒科醫師
67. peer [ pɪr ] ( n.) 同輩;同年齡
68. procedures [ prəˋsidʒɚ ] ( n.) 程序;步驟;措施
69. pursuit [ pɚˋsut ] ( n.) 追求
70. rate [ ret ] ( n.) 速度;比率
71. repetitive [ rɪˋpɛtɪtɪv ] ( adj.) 重複性
72. researcher [ riˋsɝtʃɚ ] ( n.) 研究學家;學者
73. risk [ rɪsk ] ( n.) 風險;機率
74. severely [ səˋvɪrlɪ ] ( adv.) 嚴重地
75. sick [ sɪk ] ( n.) 生病的
76. skill [ skɪl ] ( n.) 技術;技能
77. skin [ skɪn ] ( n.) 皮膚
78. sneeze [ sniz ] ( v.) 打噴嚏
79. stress [ strɛs ] ( n.) 壓力
80. study [ ˋstʌdɪ ] ( n.) 研究;調查
81. suppress [ səˋprɛs] ( v.) 鎮壓;壓制
82. symptom [ sɪmptəm] ( n.) 症狀;徵兆
83. tan [ tæn ] ( v.) 曬黑;曬成棕褐膚色
84. therapy [ θɛrəpɪ ] ( n.) 治療
85. toxic [ tɑksɪk ] ( a.) 有毒的;有害的
86. trouble [ trʌb! ] ( n.) 困難;麻煩
87. tumor [ ˋtjumɚ ] ( n.) 惡性腫瘤
Unit 1 健康篇
1. Stages of Sleep 睡眠的階段
Track 1
Most of us spend a third of our lives asleep. Studies show that sleep disturbances, such as jet lag, can increase our risks of obesity and diabetes, but researchers are still unsure of the exact reason. Therefore, scientists...
Unit 1 健康篇
1. Stages of Sleep 睡眠的階段
2. Facing Death 面對死亡
3. Keeping Your Skin Healthy 保持健康肌膚
4. The Importance of Exercising 運動的重要性
Unit 2 影劇娛樂篇
1. Be Careful When Downloading 下載檔案要小心
2. Flowers 花兒
3. Stars with a Big Heart 明星慈善家
4. Changes Brought by the Internet 網路帶來的變化
5. Going to a Concert 參加演唱會
6. A Non-Political Election 一場無關政治的選舉
Unit 3 體育篇
1. BASE Jumping 高處跳傘
2. Surfing as a Way of Life 衝浪人生
3. Rising Tennis Stars網球新星
4. Impossible is Nothing 沒有不可能
5. Watching the Paralympics 觀賞殘障奧運比賽
6. The Importance of Sports 運動的重要
7. Sports and the Team Spirit 運動與團隊精神
Unit 4 旅遊篇
1. Sightseeing in Melbourne 在墨爾本觀光
2. Taipei and Taichung 台北與台中
3. Traveling Problems 旅行時遇到的問題
4. How to Have a Safe Tour 如何安全出團
5. A Traditional Town 傳統的小城市
6. Amazing New York City 令人驚豔的紐約市
Unit 5 天氣篇
1. Typhoons in Taiwan 台灣的颱風
2. Warning Systems 警報系統
3. The End of the World 世界末日
4. Storm Chasers 追風者
5. Weather Apps 天氣應用程式
6. Rain Problems 豪雨成災
Unit 6 日常篇
1. Food and Us 食物與人
2. Road Rage 道路憤怒
3. Traffic Problems in Taiwan 台灣的交通問題
4. The Importance of Clothes 衣服的重要性
5. Taking Care of the Elderly 照顧老年人
6. Buy Your Parents a House 買棟房子給父母
7. Cockroach Problems 蟑螂問題
Unit 7 社會新聞篇
1. Drunk Driving 酒醉駕車
2. Different Methods of Crime 不同的犯罪手法
3. Teenagers and Drag Races 青少年飆車族
4. The “Strawberry Generation” 草莓族世代
5. Using Cell Phones while Driving 駕駛使用手機
Unit 8 科技篇
1. The iPhone Craze iPhone風潮
2. Life with Cell Phones 手機與人生
3. Optical Illusion and Traffic 視線錯覺與交通
4. The Internet: Pros and Cons 網路的好處與壞處
Unit 9 財經篇
1. Smart Marketing 聰明行銷法
2. Rethink about Your Purchases 重新思考你的消費能力
3. Panic at Banks 銀行恐慌
4. Currency and Trade 貨幣與貿易
5. A Book on Freedom 一本關於自由的書
6. Management Problems 經營管理問題
Unit 10 政治篇
1. Scandals and National Security 醜聞與國家安全
2. Factors that Affect Election Results 影響選舉的因素
3. Story of a Jailbreak 越獄的故事
4. Conflicts between Two Parties 兩黨鬥爭
Unit 1 健康篇
1. Stages of Sleep 睡眠的階段
2. Facing Death 面對死亡
3. Keeping Your Skin Healthy 保持健康肌膚
4. The Importance of Exercising 運動的重要性
Unit 2 影劇娛樂篇
1. Be Careful When Downloading 下載檔案要小心
2. Flowers 花兒
3. Stars with a Big Heart 明星慈善家
4. Changes Brought by the Internet 網路帶來的變化
5. Going to a Concert 參加演唱會
6. A Non-Political Election 一場無關政治的選舉
Unit 3 體育篇
1. BASE Jumping 高處跳傘
2. Surfing as a Way ...