Unit I liebecca Harding Dauis(1831—1910)——
I. Brief Introduction t0 the Author/1
Ⅱ.Selected Reading/4
1.The Wife s Story/4
2.Life in the Iron Mills/37
Uni士ⅡIfate Chopin(1851—1904)——
I. Brief Introduction to the Author/76
Ⅱ.Selected Reading/79
1.The Story妒an Hour/79
2.A Respectable Woman/83
3.Desiree s Baby/88
UnftⅢ Mary E Wilkins Freeman(1852-1930)
I. Brief Introduction to the Author/95
Ⅱ. Selected Reading/98
1.A New England Nun/98
2.The Revolt of “Mother”/112
Unit Ⅳ Chariorte Perki Giiman(1860·1935) 一
I. Brief IntmductiOil to the Author/1 30
Ⅱ. Selected Reading/132
1.The Giant Wistaria/132
2.The Yellow Wall一Paper/142
Unit V Edith Wharton(1 862-1937)——
I. Brief Introduction t0 the Author/16l
Ⅱ. Selected Reading/165
1.Mrs.Mansteys View/165
2.The Vrdict/177
Uni士VI WiIla Cather(1873-1 947)——
I.Brief Introduction t0由e Au由or/189
Ⅱ.Selected Reading/193
1.Tommy,the UnsentimentaZ/193
2.Flavia and Her Artists/202
Unit VII Joyce Carol Oates (1938)——
I.Brief IntroductioB t0 the Autllor/231
Ⅱ.Selected Reading/239
1.Where Are You Going.Where Have You Been?/239
2.How/Contemplated the World from the Detroit House of
Correction and Begin My Life Over Again /258
Unit VII Allce Wa!kcr(1944)——
I.Bhef Introduction t0 the Author/276
Ⅱ.Selccted Reading/279
2.Everyday Use/284