EZ TALK告訴你,你最想知道的運動和健身英文怎麼說。談到運動,每個人似乎都有自己喜歡的模式,有人喜歡慢跑、騎自行車、在家看DVD做瑜珈,也有人喜歡去健身房上重訓課程、跳zumba舞,有人沒時間運動,但卻喜歡觀看溫布頓網球錦標賽。雖然模式不同,但都是運動的環節,對身體也有不同的好處與幫助。
同時也介紹有用的運動APP,幫你持續運動不無聊!再來認識國際與台灣知名的運動明星,如:咖哩小子柯瑞、C羅、戴資穎、林子偉等,看看他們的成功故事。最後,台灣和運動的關係其實比我們想像中還要密切,因為有許多運動產品其實都是made in Taiwan,包括奧運比賽中所使用的體育器材和運動服,例如:2016年的里約奧運上,台灣製造的產品從運動鞋、羽毛球拍到足球都是。
網球賽中,紅土 (clay)、硬地 (hard) 和草地 (grass) 的比賽場地,對選手來說,究竟有何不同?
引人入勝的運動軼事,你沒聽過、不了解的運動賽事和運動明星,全都在本書的Language Guide (LG)。閱讀本書,等於上了一堂兼具趣味與知識的體能課。讓你就算不懂門道,也能看熱鬧,和懂運動的朋友聊幾句。
近幾年才開始接觸健身房的小編,每次聽教練烙英文指令,像是three reps(三回)或是lunge(深蹲)時,頭上總是會冒出無數個問號。而當老公在玩PS4的棒球電動時,要求幫忙、協助尋找某些指令時,也因為不熟運動用語,而找不到。
◆squat蹲踞、plank撐舉、shoulder fly夾胸
◆have come a long way 進步很多
字面上翻譯成「走了很漫長的路」,但其實它還具有更深層的意思,走了很長的一段路,一步一步地往前走,這個片語是在表達「越來越進步、有很大的進展」,另一個相似的片語為 make a great progress。
A: Do you remember the days when cell phones were the size of bricks?
B: Yeah. Technology has come a long way since then.
我們常聽到的年代常是在描述西元年間的某段間隔,像是70年代或90年代等等。那麼英文應該要怎麼表示呢?我們以90年代當例子,90年代就是1990年代,也就是指從1990到1999這幾年,特指某個區間的年份,前面一定要加上 the;年份也不止一年,當然也少不了複數的 s,所以英文就變成 the 1990s,也可以縮寫為 the ’90s,念法是 nineteen nineties。
Jamie: Hey, would you mind spotting me? I’m a newbie here.
Steve: Sure, no problem. How many reps do you want to do?
Jamie: Well, I’m just pressing 75 pounds, so I guess I’ll go for 12 reps.
Steve: That sounds about right. Do you want a lift off?
Jamie: A lift off? Sorry, I don’t know what that means.
Steve: That’s when you help somebody lift the bar off the rack.
Trisha: I’m considering joining your gym. What are your membership options?
Bob: We have the basic plan, which is 25 dollars a month, and the VIP plan, which is 45 dollars.
Trisha: What’s the difference between the two plans?
Bob: The basic plan gives you access to all our facilities, and the VIP plan includes unlimited group classes.
Trisha: Is there a sign-up fee?
Bob: Yes, there’s a 50 dollar sign-up fee. But we waive it if you pay for a year in advance.
英文撰稿 Judd Piggott
曾任國家中央圖書館編譯、《光華雜誌》翻譯、時代雜誌《TIME Express》總編審
Seasonal Sporting Events 精彩的運動賽事
The World Cup 世界盃足球賽
Since soccer—known to most of the world as football—is the world’s most popular sport, it’s not surprising that the FIFA World Cup is the most watched sporting event on the planet, 1)surpassing even the Olympics. Over a billion people watched the final match between Germany and Argentina during the 2014 World Cup, a seventh of the world’s population. Soccer is also one of the world’s oldest sports. The Chinese game of cuju, which involved kicking a feather-filled ball through 2)goal posts, dates back to the Han 3)Dynasty. The ancient Greeks and Romans also developed similar sports, but the modern game of soccer most likely developed 4)independently in England. As far back as the Middle Ages, a game called “mob football,” which used an air-filled pig’s 5)bladder and had few rules, was played between English towns and villages.
英式足球 (soccer) ——世上大部分地區稱之為足球 (football)——是世上最受歡迎的運動,無怪乎世界盃足球賽是全球最多人觀賞的運動賽事,甚至超越了奧運。2014年世界盃時,全球有超過十億觀眾觀賞德國對阿根廷的總決賽,相當於世界七分之一的人口。足球也是世上最古老的運動之一,可追溯至中國的漢代,當時這項運動稱為「蹴鞠」,把填滿羽毛的蹴球踢進球門就算贏。古希臘人和羅馬人也發展出類似的運動,但現代的足球最有可能是在英國獨立發展出來。早在中世紀有種球賽叫「群體足球」,是用豬膀胱製成的空心足球,規則不多,英國的城鎮和鄉村之間會舉辦比賽。
But it wasn’t until the Cambridge Rules—a single set of rules to govern all university games—were written in 1848 that soccer as we know it began to 6)take shape. The first international soccer match was held in Glasgow between Scotland and England in 1872, and as soccer became popular around the world at the turn of the 20th century, it was added as an Olympic sport. Founded in 1904 to govern international soccer competition, FIFA began managing Olympic soccer in 1914, and organized the first World Cup in 1930. Uruguay beat Argentina to win in 1930, but Brazil has been the big winner since then, taking home five titles, followed by Germany and Italy with four titles each. Russia, who has yet to 7)make it to a Cup final, will be hosting the 2018 World Cup, which will be held from June 14 to July 15.
1) surpass [s0`p1s] (v.) 超過,勝過,優於
The amount of rainfall this month has surpassed last year’s record.
2) goal post [gol post] (n.)(足球球門等的)門柱
Kicking the ball between the goal posts is harder than it looks.
3) dynasty [`da6n4sti] (n.) 朝代
The Tang Dynasty lasted for nearly 300 years.
4) independently [͵6nd6`p5nd4ntli] (adv.) 獨立地,單獨地
The two scientists both made the same discovery independently.
5) bladder [`blAd0] (n.) 膀胱
The doctor gave me pills for my bladder infection.
6) take shape [tek ]ep] (phr.) 成形
Our marketing plan is beginning to take shape.
7) make it [mek 6t] (phr.) 到達,達到(目標)
I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your party.
Language Guide
Cambridge Rules劍橋規則
當時的劍橋大學足球運動非常興盛,不過英國的拉格比學校(Rugby School)流行其他玩法,類似我們現在看到的橄欖球(rugby)比賽。為了讓足球的玩法更具一致性,區分出足球和橄欖球的不同,1848年發展出第一套明確的足球規範,稱作 Cambridge Rules。
Tongue-tied No More
at the turn of the century世紀交替
這裡的 turn 意思為「轉換」。at the turn of the century 「世紀的轉換」,就是在說新舊世紀交接之際。
What’s the title of your paper?
It’s called “Film at the Turn of the 21st Century.”
Seasonal Sporting Events 精彩的運動賽事
The World Cup 世界盃足球賽
Since soccer—known to most of the world as football—is the world’s most popular sport, it’s not surprising that the FIFA World Cup is the most watched sporting event on the planet, 1)surpassing even the Olympics. Over a billion people watched the final match between Germany and Argentina during the 2014 World Cup, a seventh of the world’s population. Soccer is also one of the world’s oldest sports. The Chinese game of ...
Part 1 Seasonal Sporting Events 精采的運動賽事
Chapter 1 2018 Winter Olympics 冬季奧林匹克運動會
Chapter 2 The French Open 法國網球公開賽
Chapter 3 The World Cup 世界盃足球賽
Chapter 4 The Championships, Wimbledon 溫布頓網球錦標賽
Chapter 5 The NBA Finals 美國職業籃球聯賽總決賽
Chapter 6 The MLB All-Star Game美國職業棒球大聯盟全明星賽
Chapter 7 The FISU World University Baseball Championship FISU世界大學棒球錦標賽
Chapter 8 2018 Asian Games 2018年亞洲運動會
名人專欄 Anchor Chang's English Tips運動主播常富寧 英語學習四大心法
Chapter 9 Sporting Events Conversations運動賽事會話篇
Part 2 Let’s Work Out! 大家一起來健身!
Chapter 1 The Gym Craze 健身潮流席捲全球
Section 1 A Short History of the Gym 健身房簡史
Section 2 Gym Classes 最受歡迎的健身房課程
Section 3 Membership Conversations 會員制度會話篇
Chapter 2 Hot Workout Topics 熱門健身話題
Section 1 Gym Equipment健身器材的英文名稱
Section 2 Workout Terminology健身動作術語
Section 3 Workout Q&A健身英語Q&A
Section 4 Exercises You Can Do at Home在家就可以做的健身項目例句篇
Section 5 Gym Conversations健身房會話篇
特別收錄 Human Muscle Map圖解人體部位肌肉英文名稱
Chapter 3 Diet & Fitness 健身怎麼吃?
Section 1 A Muscle Building Diet 增肌飲食
Section 2 A Ketogenic Diet生酮飲食
Section 3 Diet Sentences日常健康飲食例句篇
Section 4 Diet Conversations日常健康飲食會話篇
Chapter 4 Fitness Apps 科技與健身:運動APP大推薦
Section 1:BitGym 讓跑者身歷其境的BitGym
Section 2:Strava 慢跑及自行車愛好者的好夥伴:Strava
Section 3:Yoga Studio 瑜珈教室
Section 4:30 Day Fitness Challenge 30天健身挑戰
特別收錄 加油打氣健身激勵語錄
Part 3 Outdoor Sports 戶外運動
Chapter 1 Running—the World’s Oldest Sport 跑步——世上最古老的運動
Chapter 2 Cycling 自行車
Chapter 3 The Triathlon—Three Times the Challenge 鐵人三項:三倍挑戰的賽事
Chapter 4 Skiing 滑雪
Chapter 5 Football vs. Rugby 美式足球 VS. 橄欖球
Chapter 6 The X Games 極限運動
特別收錄 High School Sports 美國中學生v.s. 台灣中學生:運動文化比一比
Part 4 Sports Legends 運動明星的故事
Chapter 1 棒球:永遠的42號—傑基羅賓森 Jackie Robinson
Chapter 2 棒球:書僮克萊頓克蕭—當今世界最強投手 Clayton Kershaw
Chapter 3 籃球:史蒂芬柯瑞—史上最偉大的射手 Stephen Curry
Chapter 4 美式足球:湯姆布雷迪—史上最傑出的四分衛 Tom Brady
Chapter 5 足球:C羅—蟬聯國際足總最佳球員 Cristiano Ronaldo
Chapter 6 羽球:戴資穎—世界球后 Tai Tzu-ying
Chapter 7 棒球:林子偉—紅襪隊2017登上大聯盟的台灣內野手 Tzu-wei Lin
特別收錄 Sporting Goods—Made in Taiwan 台灣製造的運動產品
Part 1 Seasonal Sporting Events 精采的運動賽事
Chapter 1 2018 Winter Olympics 冬季奧林匹克運動會
Chapter 2 The French Open 法國網球公開賽
Chapter 3 The World Cup 世界盃足球賽
Chapter 4 The Championships, Wimbledon 溫布頓網球錦標賽
Chapter 5 The NBA Finals 美國職業籃球聯賽總決賽
Chapter 6 The MLB All-Star Game美國職業棒球大聯盟全明星賽
Chapter 7 The FISU World University Baseball Championship FISU世界大學棒球錦標賽
Chapter 8 2018 Asian Games 2018年亞洲運動會
名人專欄 Anc...