超滿足20小時mp3最好玩的7000單字書~獨家填字遊戲讓學習真的變有趣! ▲和老外一樣玩單字!精選兩千字填字遊戲,誰說學單字就是這麼無聊?
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補教名師 李宇凡
【學歷】 國立成功大學外國語文學系
【經歷】 (升大學英語教學)
彰化 家家補習班 / 斗六 佳興補習班 / 嘉義 中興補習班 / 台南 心遠景補習班 / 高雄 仕強補習班屏東 宇凡補習班
GO STUDY世界學人留學機構IELTS英語教學顧問
《7000單字怎麼考都好 教戰勝經》
LEVEL 1 單字
MP3 Track 0001
a / an [3] / [$n] 英初 四級 1-1
冠 一、一個
There is a box of green apples on the floor for you to eat.
a•ble ['eb9] 英初 四級 1-2
形 能幹的、有能力的
Let's study very hard at school, and then we are able to speak English fluently(流利地).
a•bout [3'baUt] 英初 四級 1-3
副 大約
介 關於
副 Would you like to come to our party at about six o'clock p.m.tomorrow?
介 Would you like to talk with me about today's weather in English?
a•bove [D'bKv] 英初 四級 1-4
形 上面的
副 在上面
介 在……上面
名 上面
形 At present(目前), there is no one writing to us at the above
address yet.
副 There are several bags of biscuits(餅乾)on the shelf(架子)
介 There are many white birds flying above the blue sea.
名 In addition(附加)to all of the above, there is something else I
want to talk about.
ac•cord•ing to [3'kCrd0nH tu] 英中 六級 1-5
介 根據……
According to the weather report, it will rain today, so let's take
the raincoats with us.
a•cross [3'krCs] 英初 四級 1-6
副 橫過
介 穿過、橫過
名 There is an act which asks people not to kill the animals in
動 There is a very good student in our class, and we believe he
can act the part in this play.
MP3 Track 0002
act [$kt] 英初 四級 1-7
名 行為、行動、法案
動 行動、扮演、下判決
名 There is an act which asks people not to kill the animals in
動 There is a very good student in our class, and we believe he
can act the part in this play.
ac•tion ['$kN3n] 英初 四級 1-8
名 行動、活動
There are many young people enjoying watching action films
very much.
ac•tor ['$ktQ] 英初 四級 1-9
名 男演員
Not all the people have chances to be an excellent(優秀的)actor.
ac•tress ['$ktr0s] 英初 四級 1-10
名 女演員
What about the actress in the film Harry Potter(哈利波特)?
add [$d] 英初 四級 1-11
動 增加
As it does not taste well, would you like to add some salt to the
ad•dress [3'drGs]英初 四級 1-12
名 住址、致詞、講話
動 發表演說、對……說話
名 It will be too difficult for me to find you if you do not tell me
your address.
動 It is too early for the President(總統)to address his people
a•dult [3'dKlt] 英初 四級 1-13
形 成年的、成熟的
名 成年人
形 How long will it take for us to watch the adult movie?
名 How long will it take for an adult to walk form here to the
nearest bus station?
a•fraid [3'fred] 英初 四級 1-14
形 害怕的、擔心的
Let's get on the bus right away. I am so afraid of being late.
MP3 Track 0003
af•ter ['$ftQ] 英初 四級 1-15
/ 閱讀測驗 / LEVEL 1
Sleeping Beauty
The King and the Queen just had a baby girl. They held a great party and invited their family, friends and all fairies except one.
During the party, the fairy who wasn’t invited showed up. “The princess will stab(刺傷) herself with a spindle(紡錘)and die when she’s fifteen,” the angry fairy said and left. Everyone was horrified. The queen started to cry. A fairy then said, “The princess will not die, but she will sleep for a hundred years.”
To prevent the curse(詛咒)from happening, all spindles in the country were burned. Years passed by, the princess grew to be beautiful, kind and smart.
On her fifteenth birthday, the princess woke up early. She took a walk outside alone and came to an old tower. She climbed up to the top and reached to a room where she saw a spinner(紡織機). She had never seen one before. As she touched the spindle, she stabbed herself and fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile(同時), everyone in her country was asleep, too.
A hundred years later, a prince who heard about the Sleeping Beauty rode his horse to the tower and reached the room where the princess was asleep. She looked so beautiful that the prince couldn’t help but give her a kiss. The Sleeping Beauty opened her eyes and smiled at him. Everyone else in the country woke up, too.
Before long, the prince and the princess were married and lived happily ever after.
(words: 243)
1. What did the King and Queen do to prevent the fairy’s curse from happening?
(A) They hid all the spindles.
(B) The burned all the spindles.
(C) The sold all the spindles.
(D) They buried all the spindles.
2. What happened when the princess fell into the deep sleep?
(A) Everyone else in her country fell asleep, too.
(B) The King and Queen were so sad that they fainted.
(C) The fairy was put in jail.
(D) The King and Queen were killed.
3. How did the prince wake up the Sleeping Beauty?
(A) With an alarm clock.
(B) He gave her a hug.
(C) He gave her a kiss.
(D) He slapped her on the face.
LEVEL 1 單字
MP3 Track 0001
a / an [3] / [$n] 英初 四級 1-1
冠 一、一個
There is a box of green apples on the floor for you to eat.
a•ble ['eb9] 英初 四級 1-2
形 能幹的、有能力的
Let's study very hard at school, and then we are able to speak English fluently(流利地).
a•bout [3'baUt] 英初 四級 1-3
副 大約
介 關於
副 Would you like to come to our party at abo...
/ 目錄 /
使用說明 000
作者序 000
【Level 1 國小必考1000單字,英檢初級】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
Level 1 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 1 單字應用閱讀測驗1~4回
【Level 2 國中基測必考1200單字,英檢初級】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
Level 2 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 2 單字應用閱讀測驗1~4回
【Level 3 高中學測必考2000單字,英檢中級,新多益405~600分】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
Level 3 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 3 單字應用閱讀測驗1~4回
【Level 4 高中學測必考1000單字,英檢中級,新多益605~780分】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
Level 4 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 4 單字應用閱讀測驗1~4回
【Level 5 高中指考必考1200單字,英檢中級,新多益785~900分】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
Level 5 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 5 單字應用閱讀測驗1~4回
【Level 6 高中指考必考1200單字,英檢中高級,新多益905~990分】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz Level 6 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 6 單字應用閱讀測驗1~4回
/ 目錄 /
使用說明 000
作者序 000
【Level 1 國小必考1000單字,英檢初級】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
Level 1 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 1 單字應用閱讀測驗1~4回
【Level 2 國中基測必考1200單字,英檢初級】
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
Level 2 玩出英單實力填字遊戲
Level 2 單字應用閱讀...
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