The Sloth: Nature’s Coolest Customer
World on Alert as Dangerous Virus Spreads from China
新型冠狀病毒肆虐 全球拉警報!
Kobe Bryant Dies in Helicopter Crash
《常春藤解析英語雜誌》由賴世雄教授於一九八八年七月發行創刊號, 是一份製作嚴謹的專業英語廣播月刊。首創全國針對大學聯考及托福考試結 合廣播所發行之英語雜誌。一直不斷在品質上力求精進及掌握學界脈動與讀 者需求,並已在事業經營建立良好社會形象,多年來深獲全國英文老師的口 碑肯定,並為多所高中指定之英文課外教材,更是無數青年學子心目中的第 一品牌!同時,由於雜誌編著嚴謹,賴教授廣播方式幽默風趣與博學多才, 除了在台灣地區的英語廣播教學界享有盛名之外,更聲名遠播中國大陸地區 ,透過中央人民廣播電台播音節目為廣大大陸地區聽眾服務,此外與北京大 學、清華大學、遼寧大學、瀋陽外語學院等知名學府,均建立有英語教學合 作關係。
外籍英編:Lauren McCarthy.Sherry Jeng
特約作家:Brian Foden.Bruce Bagnell.Daniel Howard.William Ryan.Ivy Liu.Jamie Blackler
廣播主講:賴世雄、Karen Chung.Wesley Xi.Angela Utschig.Bruce Bagnell.Chris Gorski
首創全國針對大學聯考及托福考試結 合廣播所發行之英語雜誌。
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
Welcome to April and springtime. This time of the year makes us think of fresh starts, and at Analytical English we are hoping to apply that sense of beginning to our personal lives. After reading “Something New I’m Learning,” you may be motivated to learn a new skill, be it tackling a foreign language or mastering the art of pastry making. If you are more artistic, perhaps you can take a lesson from an Italian artist who is “Sculpting Tree Trunks on the Streets of Rome.” Have you heard that the “Vogue Editor Advocates for Sustainable Fashion”? Maybe this article will push you to be more conscious of your clothing purchases and choices. If you’re still unsure of where to begin, you might want to learn a bit about “The Truth of Inspiration.”Whether you want to try out a new skill or embrace a cause, April’s issue of Analytical English is full of ideas that will encourage you to blossom this season.
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:Welcome to April and springtime. This time of the year makes us think of fresh starts, and at Analytical English we are hoping to apply that sense of beginning to our personal lives. After reading “Something New I’m Learning,” you may be motivated to learn a new skill, be it tackling a foreign language or mastering the art of pastry making. If you are more artistic, perhaps you can take a lesson from an Italian artist who is “Sculpting Tree Trunks on the Streets of Rome....
【科普園地】 Fun Facts about the Fantastic Diamond 鑽石恆久遠 一顆永流傳
【閱讀測驗】 The Sloth: Nature’s Coolest Customer 讓人「樹懶」起敬的慢活動物~
【新聞集錦】 Kobe Bryant Dies in Helicopter Crash 全球哀悼!「小飛俠」布萊恩墜機驟逝
【克漏字】 Renting Umbrellas Is Starting to Catch On 便利又環保:雨傘共享經濟
【新聞集錦】 澳洲野火肆虐 火勢失控
《Vogue》總編:珍惜衣物 永續傳承
【閱讀測驗】 The Truth of Inspiration Start With Why 鼓動行為的黃金圈
【閱讀測驗】 I’ll Have a Coffee. With Butter and Oil. 翻轉防彈咖啡的迷思
【主題式作文】 Something New I’m Learning 我正在學習的新事物
【文意選填】 What Is a Microbial Fuel Cell? 另類新能源 微生物燃料電池
【文學萬花筒】 Adventures around Sweden with a Boy Named Nils 從無知到成熟 ――《騎鵝歷險記》
【文學萬花筒】 Adventures around Sweden with a Boy Named Nils 從無知到成熟 ――《騎鵝歷險記》
【閱讀測驗】 A Deep Dive into the Sport of Football 足球界的「跳水」
【主題句作文】 Cyberbullying 網路霸凌
【歌曲】 Into The Unknown 向未知探索
【克漏字】 Sculpting Tree Trunks on the Streets of Rome 死木計畫:藝術家重整羅馬「樹」容
【新聞英語】 UN Climate Conference Ends on a Low Note 聯合國氣候峰會落幕 核心議題尚待解決
【文意選填】 The Marvelous Moulin Rouge—An Iconic Symbol of Paris 越夜越璀璨 不朽紅磨坊
【閱讀測驗】 The Surprises of the Chili Pepper 辣椒:無法抗拒的魔鬼般滋味
【閱讀測驗】 The Surprises of the Chili Pepper 辣椒:無法抗拒的魔鬼般滋味
【篇章結構】 Artist Joins in Ongoing Battle for the Rights of Turkish Women 擺上黑色高跟鞋 紀念逝去的妳
【慣用語放大鏡】 Keep a Straight Face 忍住不笑;擺出正經八百的樣子
【解析文法】 不定詞
【科普園地】 Fun Facts about the Fantastic Diamond 鑽石恆久遠 一顆永流傳
【閱讀測驗】 The Sloth: Nature’s Coolest Customer 讓人「樹懶」起敬的慢活動物~
【新聞集錦】 Kobe Bryant Dies in Helicopter Crash 全球哀悼!「小飛俠」布萊恩墜機驟逝
【克漏字】 Renting Umbrellas Is Starting to Catch On 便利又環保:雨傘共享經濟
【新聞集錦】 澳洲野火肆虐 火勢失控
《Vogue》總編:珍惜衣物 永續傳承
【閱讀測驗】 The Truth of Inspiration Start With Why 鼓動行為的黃金圈