Black Widow 黑寡婦
Now I’m in It
The Big Apple Has a Big Heart
我愛紐約 紅遍全球!
Flat Earth Theory
Lukang Old Street
《常春藤普活雜英語誌》為提昇社會人士英語水平,內容針對人物專訪 、科學新知、網際網路、海外旅遊、遊學、流行趨勢及生活為主題進行報導,於學習英語之同時另增加新知的吸收。
外籍英編:Sherry Jeng.Lauren McCarthy
特約作家:Dean McDaniel-Keith.Joe Henley.Daniel Howard.Marcus Maurice.Jamie Blackler.Baxley Aldworth.Ivy Liu
廣播主講:Stevie G.Bruce Bagnell.Chris Gorski.Rose Goossen
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
Do you ever feel like time is passing by too quickly? Recently, everyone seems to be on their smartphones playing games or taking photos to live the “Insta Life.”These days, people can get food delivered almost instantly from “Ghost Kitchens” that are popping up in cities all over the world. Sometimes it might feel like the world is changing so fast that you just want to disappear for a while. Well, believe it or not, that might be possible with “Active Camouflage,” an amazing new technology that may be here soon. With so many new developments, we thought it might be a good idea to focus a bit on the past this month. Join us as we learn about the “The Amish: A People out of Time,” or enjoy some of Taiwan’s history with a trip down “Lukang Old Street.” As time keeps flying by, we hope you’ll find some time to relax and read the exciting stories in this month’s issue of Enjoy English.
你是否曾覺得光陰似箭、歲月如梭?近來似乎每個人都離不開他們的智慧型手機,不論是玩手遊或是猛拍照過著《IG 人生》。這年頭,人們還可以藉著在全球各大城市紛紛出現的《餐飲服務的新潮流── 幽靈廚房》,立刻請人快遞美食到自宅。有時候這世界也感覺瞬息萬變,讓人就是想要消失一陣子。不管你相信與否,有了《來無影去無蹤:隱形術背後的科學原理》這樣令人驚奇、或許即將誕生的新科技,這件事也許真能辦得到。各項發展是如此日新月異,我們認為本月份來稍微懷舊溫故可能是個好點子。請隨著我們一起認識《脫離世俗的艾美許人》,或是遊歷至《遺落在往昔的鹿港老街》來體驗些許臺灣的歷史。隨著時光飛逝,我們希望各位讀者能抽空好好放鬆,品味本期《生活英語》所帶來的精彩內容。
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:Do you ever feel like time is passing by too quickly? Recently, everyone seems to be on their smartphones playing games or taking photos to live the “Insta Life.”These days, people can get food delivered almost instantly from “Ghost Kitchens” that are popping up in cities all over the world. Sometimes it might feel like the world is changing so fast that you just want to disappear for a while. Well, believe it or not, that might be possible with “Active Camouflage,” an...
【影視娛樂】 Black Widow 黑寡婦
【焦點話題】 Irwin Family Helps Animals Threatened by Australian Fires 厄文家族援助澳洲祝融受難動
The Louvre Offers 3D Experience of Da Vinci’s Masterpiece 羅浮宮獻上《蒙娜麗莎:越界視野》3D 體驗
【商用英語】 Getting Exercise in the Office 辦公室裡也要動一動喲
【好書俱樂部】 Ferryman 與《擺渡人》來場浪漫奇幻的地獄冒險!
【歌曲園地】 Now I’m in It 深陷其中
【專題特寫】 The Amish: A People out of Time 脫離世俗的艾美許人
【圖解世界】 Find Me on the 'Gram 要找我上 IG 就對了
【「鮮」睹為快】 Ghost Kitchens 餐飲服務的新潮流 ── 幽靈廚房
【發燒話題】 Active Camouflage: The Science of Invisibility 來無影去無蹤:隱形術背後的科學原理
【綠色生活】 Less Is More 少就是多 —— 微型房屋正夯
【克漏字】 Living La Vita Bella in Italy 絕美義大利小鎮免費讓你入住
【追根究底】 The Big Apple Has a Big Heart 我愛紐約 紅遍全球!
【星情物語】 Taurus 金牛座
【看圖作文】 Trouble on the Road 一波三折的公路之旅
【探索科學】 Flat Earth Theory 死灰復燃的地平論
【觀光英語】 Missing One’s Flight 「機」不可失
【深入臺灣】 Lukang Old Street 遺落在往昔的鹿港老街
【口語從頭學】 Dental Hygiene 口腔衛生
【影視娛樂】 Black Widow 黑寡婦
【焦點話題】 Irwin Family Helps Animals Threatened by Australian Fires 厄文家族援助澳洲祝融受難動
The Louvre Offers 3D Experience of Da Vinci’s Masterpiece 羅浮宮獻上《蒙娜麗莎:越界視野》3D 體驗
【商用英語】 Getting Exercise in the Office 辦公室裡也要動一動喲
【好書俱樂部】 Ferryman 與《擺渡人》來場浪漫奇幻的地獄冒險!
【歌曲園地】 Now I’m in It 深陷其中
【專題特寫】 The Amish: A People out of Time 脫離世俗的艾美許人