Modern Food Delivery
The Shortest Distance between Two Points Is Not Necessarily a Straight Line!
Outstanding Owl Facts
《常春藤解析英語雜誌》由賴世雄教授於一九八八年七月發行創刊號, 是一份製作嚴謹的專業英語廣播月刊。首創全國針對大學聯考及托福考試結 合廣播所發行之英語雜誌。一直不斷在品質上力求精進及掌握學界脈動與讀 者需求,並已在事業經營建立良好社會形象,多年來深獲全國英文老師的口 碑肯定,並為多所高中指定之英文課外教材,更是無數青年學子心目中的第 一品牌!同時,由於雜誌編著嚴謹,賴教授廣播方式幽默風趣與博學多才, 除了在台灣地區的英語廣播教學界享有盛名之外,更聲名遠播中國大陸地區 ,透過中央人民廣播電台播音節目為廣大大陸地區聽眾服務,此外與北京大 學、清華大學、遼寧大學、瀋陽外語學院等知名學府,均建立有英語教學合 作關係。
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
This month at Analytical English , we are thinking about what it means to be a consumer. And it appears that we’re not the only ones. A “New Credit Card Aims to Cut Carbon Emissions” and also raise awareness of the impact our spending has on the environment. In Italy, people are realizing “The Benefits of Recycling in Rome,” which can earn them free subway and bus tickets. We are also looking into some of the latest trends, like “Modern Food Delivery.” However, not all current fads are completely new. Have you heard about “The Return of the Conversation Pit”? For homeowners, it’s becoming the hot new thing to have. You can also read about “Elon Musk: A Man Who Is Changing the World” and the way people travel, by selling electric cars and, maybe one day, tickets to space. Of course, consumerism can have a dark side. You can get a glimpse of that “Struggle and Despair in Death of a Salesman.” It looks like there is plenty to consume your time in June’s issue of Analytical English.
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:This month at Analytical English , we are thinking about what it means to be a consumer. And it appears that we’re not the only ones. A “New Credit Card Aims to Cut Carbon Emissions” and also raise awareness of the impact our spending has on the environment. In Italy, people are realizing “The Benefits of Recycling in Rome,” which can earn them free subway and bus tickets. We are also looking into some of the latest trends, like “Modern Food Delivery.” However, not al...
【克漏字】 The Benefits of Recycling in Rome 羅馬環保新政策!塑膠瓶回收換車票
【新聞集錦】 1. 首張以「碳足跡」為額度的信用卡 2. 哈利、梅根退出皇室 將不再使用「殿下」頭銜
【科普園地】 The Shortest Distance between Two Points Is Not Necessarily a Straight Line! 繞彎路比較近?飛機路線大揭密
【閱讀測驗】 The Return of the Conversation Pit 五○年代「對話坑」復刻回潮
【新聞英語】 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)來襲 抗疫必備單字
【文意選填】 What is Geographical Narcissism? 都市鄉村工作大不同?小心「地緣自戀」
【新聞英語】 All That’s Not Human about Us 你的身體不是你的身體:人類微生物群系
【閱讀測驗】 The Impact of Language 語言如何形塑我們的想法?
【閱讀測驗】 Outstanding Owl Facts 貓頭鷹知多少
【主題式作文】 Modern Food Delivery 外送服務夯,你怎麼看
【克漏字】 The Matryoshka Dolls of Russia 層出不窮的驚喜 ―― 俄羅斯套娃
【文學萬花筒】 Struggle and Despair in Death of a Salesman 美國夢碎:《推銷員之死》
【文學萬花筒】 Struggle and Despair in Death of a Salesman 美國夢碎:《推銷員之死》
【閱讀測驗】 Up, Up, and Away in Taitung 翱翔天際:臺東熱氣球饗宴
【看圖作文】 Why All the Masks? 全民戴口罩
【歌曲】 Only The Young 只要還年輕
【文意選填】 Mesopotamian Millennia-Old Meals 解碼最古老食譜 一窺古文明美食
【篇章結構】 The Joker’s Real-Life Medical Condition 控制不了的狂笑爆哭 ―― 假性延髓效應
【閱讀測驗】 Elon Musk: A Man Who Is Changing the World 伊隆.馬斯克 ―― 改變世界的大夢想家
【閱讀測驗】 Elon Musk: A Man Who Is Changing the World 伊隆.馬斯克 ―― 改變世界的大夢想家
【對話】 Hit the Books K 書
【文法】 動名詞
【克漏字】 The Benefits of Recycling in Rome 羅馬環保新政策!塑膠瓶回收換車票
【新聞集錦】 1. 首張以「碳足跡」為額度的信用卡 2. 哈利、梅根退出皇室 將不再使用「殿下」頭銜
【科普園地】 The Shortest Distance between Two Points Is Not Necessarily a Straight Line! 繞彎路比較近?飛機路線大揭密
【閱讀測驗】 The Return of the Conversation Pit 五○年代「對話坑」復刻回潮
【新聞英語】 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)來襲 抗疫必備單字
【文意選填】 What is Geographical Narcissism? 都市鄉村工作大不同...