PART A 新工作上路 A New Job
A-1 英文面試 Interviewing
A-2 介紹新進人員 Getting Started
A-3 人事行政 Talking with HR
A-4 辦公事務 Dealing with Office Matters
PART B 開會現場 Meetings
B-1 會議流程 Moving the Meeting Along
B-2 陳述意見 Having Your Say
B-3 表達贊同與反對 Voicing Agreement and Disagreement
PART C 簡報實況 Presentations
C-1 公司簡介 Introducing the Company
C-2 圖表運用 Using Graphs in a Presentation
C-3 介紹產品 Presenting a Product
C-4 業績報告 Presenting a Sales Report
PART D 電話英語 Phone Talk
D-1 接聽電話 Answering the Phone
D-2 電話留言 Leaving a Message
D-3 詢問及確認進度 Double-checking the Facts
D-4 變更及取消行程 Making Changes & Cancellations
PART E 客戶往來 Client Relations
E-1 帶客戶參觀公司 Visiting the Company
E-2 業務狀況 Solving the Salesman’s Dilemma
E-3 洽談合作 Pooling Resources
PART F 行銷與企畫 Marketing
F-1 門市推銷 Promoting in the Store
F-2 促銷方案 Promoting at Events
F-3 市場調查 Researching the Market
PART G 談判議價與訂貨下單 Negotiations & Orders
G-1 詢價與報價 Quality the Price
G-2 議價 Negotiating Prices
G-3 訂貨下單 Ordering
G-4 付款方式 Discussing Payment
PART H 辦公室閒聊 Office Chat
H-1 讚美與祝賀 Praising and Congratulating
H-2 請求協助 Asking for Help
H-3 抱怨 Making Complaints
PART I 出差應酬與商展 Business Travel & Trade Shows
I-1 出差行前確認 Planning the Business Trip
I-2 商務餐會 Handling the Business Meal
I-3 舉辦商展 Working the Trade Show
PART A 新工作上路 A New Job
A-1 英文面試 Interviewing
A-2 介紹新進人員 Getting Started
A-3 人事行政 Talking with HR
A-4 辦公事務 Dealing with Office Matters
PART B 開會現場 Meetings
B-1 會議流程 Moving the Meeting Along
B-2 陳述意見 Having Your Say
B-3 表達贊同與反對 Voicing Agreement and Disagreement
PART C 簡報實況 Presentations
C-1 公司簡介 Introducing the Company
C-2 圖表運用 Using Graphs in a Presentation
C-3 介紹產品 Presenting a Product
C-4 業績報告...