在中華民國的歷史上,抗日戰爭讓全國軍民緊密的團結起來。本書敘述當時國軍官兵成為戰俘的輾轉過程,拉布爾戰俘營國軍官兵受虐的情景與艱苦生活,這段南洋血淚彰顯被俘官兵堅忍不拔之意志,足以震撼人心,然我國軍官兵仍秉持忍辱負重之精神與毅力直到抗戰勝利,其不屈不撓的志節與忠肝義膽之愛國情操,足以為我全軍典範。( In the history of the Republic of China, the War against the Japanese firmly united China's military and civilian population, and instilled in them a great sense of purpose. This publication is an account of how Chinese soldiers became prisoners of war, the brutality that they suffered in the POW camps at Rabaul, and the hard life that they lived. This historical account describes the unbreakable resolve the imprisoned soldiers, and will move the the reader with great force. The firm principles and gallent patriotism demonstrated by these soldiers as they preserved through all hardships until victory over the Japanese has made them a radiant example for all of the soldiers of the ROC Armed Forces.)