「人體藝術之美! 光影構圖攝影技法」是一本能夠訓練你透過各種攝影技法以藝術的方式來呈現出人體的美麗與力量。
本書位您揭開「人體攝影」(Nude Photography)的神秘面紗,讓流傳百餘年的藝術表現手法,赤裸卻又唯美地呈現在您的面前。
帕斯卡.貝登(Pascal Baetens)是比利時專業攝影師,擅長為雜誌內頁或廣告拍攝肖像、時尚、旅遊及人體攝影作品,也接受個別客戶委託。他駐於靠近魯汶(Leuven)的地區,經營一系列以人體攝影的各個面向為主題的一日教學工作坊。他的作品被現代攝影類的書籍與雜誌廣為收錄,並曾在歐洲與北美各地展出。
先前的攝影相關著作包括了「脆弱的觸碰(The Fragile Touch, 1999)」、「人體攝影藝術(The Art of Nude Photography, 2003)」以及「天堂女孩(Heavenly Girls, 2004)」。他訪問過名攝影師如阿維東(Richard Avedon)、杜納斯(Jeff Dunas)、林德柏格(Peter Lindbergh)、Fred Maroon及威金(Joel-Peter Witkin),也策劃過一些攝影展。
【雜誌 文章與作品集】
2009: 'Nudo artistico: come ti spoglio una donna', La Sicilia, Italy, 25 May.
‘Nudes by Pascal Baetens’, Penthouse, The Netherlands, August.
2008: 'De naakte emoties van Pascal Baetens', Het Nieuwsblad, Belgium, 10 January.
2007: 'Zo maak je mooie naaktfoto's', Het Nieuwsblad, Belgium, 30 December.
‘Helemaal gek van het gekkenhuis’, Niveau, The Netherlands, December.
'The sixth sense in Lovenjoel', Steps, Belgium, September.
'FHM Erotica', FHM, Hungary, March.
2006: ‘Lumière de Flandres’, FHM, France, November.
'Sinnliche Visionen’, Schwarz-Weiss, Germany, August.
'Pascal Baetens', DeFotograaf, The Netherlands, October.
‘Die nackte Wahrheit’, Men’s Health, Germany, July.
‘Genios del desnudo: Pascal Baetens’, Maxim, Spain, July.
2005: 'Pascal Baetens' Heavenly Girls', Niveau, The Netherlands, March.
2009: 'Nude photography, the art and the craft', Chinese edition, DK, China, 256 p.
2008: 'A Pocketful of nudes', Images Publishing, Australia, 256 p.
'Aktfotografie, Kunst und Praxis', DK-Germany, Germany, 256 p.
'Aktfotografering, kunsten og handverket, Cappelen-Damm, Norway, 256 p.
2007: 'Instant de mort', Chez Higgins, France, limited edition portfolio with 15 original prints.
'Nude photography, the art and the craft', DK, UK, 256 p.
2005: 'Heavenly Beauties', Amphoto Books, USA, 192 p.
2009: 'Nudes 2', Feierabend-Uniquebooks, Germany.
2005: 'Look 2005', Belgium.
'The Mammoth Book of Illustrated Erotic Women’, Carroll&Graf, USA and co-editions.
2004: 'Naked', Feierabend, Germany.
'Bathroom Manners', Edition Jannink, France.
2003: 'Hot nylons', Edition Skylight', Switzerland.
'Hot cheeks', Edition Skylight, Switzerland.
2002: 'Blonde', Carlton, UK and co-editions.
'Lighting for Nude Photography', Rotovision, UK and co-editions.
'Nudes indexxi', Feierabend, Germany and co-editions.
2001: 'Better picture guide to photographing nudes', Rotovision, UK and co-editions.
'The Mammoth Book of Illustrated Erotica', Carroll & Graf, USA and co-editions.
2008: 'Master-QEP': Master Qualified European photographer (by FEP)
'Orvieto Book Prize', Category 'Art Books' with 'Nude photography, the Art & the Craft' (I)
2006: 'QEP': Qualified European Photographer (by FEP)
優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 871 NT$ 990
「人體藝術之美! 光影構圖攝影技法」是一本能夠訓練你透過各種攝影技法以藝術的方式來呈現出人體的美麗與力量。
本書位您揭開「人體攝影」(Nude Photography)的神秘面紗,讓流傳百餘年的藝術表現手法,赤裸卻又唯美地呈現在您的面前。
帕斯卡.貝登(Pascal Baetens)是比利時專業攝影師,擅長為雜誌內頁或廣告拍攝肖像、時尚、旅遊及人體攝影作品,也接受個別客戶委託。他駐於靠近魯汶(Leuven)的地區,經營一系列以人體攝影的各個面向為主題的一日教學工作坊。他的作品被現代攝影類的書籍與雜誌廣為收錄,並曾在歐洲與北美各地展出。
先前的攝影相關著作包括了「脆弱的觸碰(The Fragile Touch, 1999)」、「人體攝影藝術(The Art of Nude Photography, 2003)」以及「天堂女孩(Heavenly Girls, 2004)」。他訪問過名攝影師如阿維東(Richard Avedon)、杜納斯(Jeff Dunas)、林德柏格(Peter Lindbergh)、Fred Maroon及威金(Joel-Peter Witkin),也策劃過一些攝影展。
【雜誌 文章與作品集】
2009: 'Nudo artistico: come ti spoglio una donna', La Sicilia, Italy, 25 May.
‘Nudes by Pascal Baetens’, Penthouse, The Netherlands, August.
2008: 'De naakte emoties van Pascal Baetens', Het Nieuwsblad, Belgium, 10 January.
2007: 'Zo maak je mooie naaktfoto's', Het Nieuwsblad, Belgium, 30 December.
‘Helemaal gek van het gekkenhuis’, Niveau, The Netherlands, December.
'The sixth sense in Lovenjoel', Steps, Belgium, September.
'FHM Erotica', FHM, Hungary, March.
2006: ‘Lumière de Flandres’, FHM, France, November.
'Sinnliche Visionen’, Schwarz-Weiss, Germany, August.
'Pascal Baetens', DeFotograaf, The Netherlands, October.
‘Die nackte Wahrheit’, Men’s Health, Germany, July.
‘Genios del desnudo: Pascal Baetens’, Maxim, Spain, July.
2005: 'Pascal Baetens' Heavenly Girls', Niveau, The Netherlands, March.
2009: 'Nude photography, the art and the craft', Chinese edition, DK, China, 256 p.
2008: 'A Pocketful of nudes', Images Publishing, Australia, 256 p.
'Aktfotografie, Kunst und Praxis', DK-Germany, Germany, 256 p.
'Aktfotografering, kunsten og handverket, Cappelen-Damm, Norway, 256 p.
2007: 'Instant de mort', Chez Higgins, France, limited edition portfolio with 15 original prints.
'Nude photography, the art and the craft', DK, UK, 256 p.
2005: 'Heavenly Beauties', Amphoto Books, USA, 192 p.
2009: 'Nudes 2', Feierabend-Uniquebooks, Germany.
2005: 'Look 2005', Belgium.
'The Mammoth Book of Illustrated Erotic Women’, Carroll&Graf, USA and co-editions.
2004: 'Naked', Feierabend, Germany.
'Bathroom Manners', Edition Jannink, France.
2003: 'Hot nylons', Edition Skylight', Switzerland.
'Hot cheeks', Edition Skylight, Switzerland.
2002: 'Blonde', Carlton, UK and co-editions.
'Lighting for Nude Photography', Rotovision, UK and co-editions.
'Nudes indexxi', Feierabend, Germany and co-editions.
2001: 'Better picture guide to photographing nudes', Rotovision, UK and co-editions.
'The Mammoth Book of Illustrated Erotica', Carroll & Graf, USA and co-editions.
2008: 'Master-QEP': Master Qualified European photographer (by FEP)
'Orvieto Book Prize', Category 'Art Books' with 'Nude photography, the Art & the Craft' (I)
2006: 'QEP': Qualified European Photographer (by FEP)
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