Amelia Bedelia, the housekeeper with a literal mind, merrily upsets the household when she "dresses" the chicken and "trims" the steak with ribbons and lace.
Amelia Bedelia到羅傑先生家上班的第一天,羅傑夫婦剛好要出門,該做的事羅傑太太都寫在一張紙條上。Amelia帶著愉快的心情,為表現自己,先做了一個拿手派希望給羅傑夫婦好印象。但做好被交付的事情才是重點。於是Amelia看著單子,開始動工。咦!這對夫妻真奇怪,毛巾這麼漂亮,卻要改變它(Change the Towels,換毛巾);還要我灑些粉在沙發上(Dust the Sofa,沙發除塵),更怪的是要我畫窗簾(Draw the drapes拉上窗簾),Amelia對語文的解讀能力,就是跟一般人不一樣,當她把毛巾剪了幾個大洞、沙發上灑滿香粉、把燈泡拿出去曬(Put the lights out),幫雞穿衣服(Dress the chicken),正洋洋得意完成所有工作時,羅傑夫妻回家一看大吃一驚!還好她的拿手派實在太好吃,使她免於被開除的命運。作者用語言的雙關特性,創作出這樣一位糊塗女傭的一連串有趣故事,深受大小讀者好評。本系列尚有其他Amelia Bedelia的生活故事十餘本,有興趣的讀者可一一收集。
Author:Peggy Parish wrote many popular books for children, several featuring her most famous character, Amelia Bedelia, who first appeared in 1963. Peggy Parish died in November 1988. Illustrator:Lynn Sweat has illustrated many Amelia Bedelia books, including Amelia Bedelia's Family Album and Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia, as well as all of Herman Parish's Amelia Bedelia titles. He is a painter as well as an illustrator, and his paintings hang in galleries across the country. He and his wife live in Connecticut.