1. One Good Deed
多做善事不僅能幫助別人,也能使自己更快樂。請以“One Good Deed” 為題,寫一篇約 120 個字詞(words)的英文短文,第一段記敘你曾經做過的一件善事,第二段說明做了此事後你心裡面的感受,以及對你的影響。
記敘自己所曾經做過的一件善事時,可依循 5W+1H(who, when, where, what, why 以及 how)的原則,思索整起事件發生的經過,將事件中的人物、發生的事、時間、以及地點交代清楚,最後再具體明確地刻劃自身的感想,給予文章一個完美的結論。
Topic: One Good Deed
Who were the people involved in this good deed? (you, a stranger, or a neighbor?)
When / On what occasion did the incident happen? (a bus ride, paying for groceries at the counter, or a car accident?)
Where did you do this good deed? (on the bus, in the neighborhood, or in a shopping mall?)
What did you do to help others? (pay the bus fare, show a stranger the direction, or help a child find his parents?)
Why did you want to help? (out of sympathy, you have been helped before, or it was simply a gesture of kindness?)
How did you feel while doing this good deed?
How did you feel after this incident? (satisfied, contented, full of joy, or it gave you a sense of accomplishment?)
■ 動詞
request sb. to do sth. / that 子句 要求某人做某事
例句:With small cans held in our hands, we requested passersby to donate their change to the orphanage.
strongly / greatly / heavily influence sb. 大大地影響了某人
例句:The charity activity greatly influenced me and gave me a sense of accomplishment
when I helped those in need.
■ 句型
S, ( ), + V... (同位語)
功能: 同位語的作用,主要是以較簡潔的方式提供更多的資訊或說明,如果在一個句子中,
例句: My best friend, Carol, and I went to a mom-and-pop beef noodle shop for lunch yesterday.
It never occurred to me that I could help... 我從未想過自己能夠幫助..
do sb. a favor 幫助某人
relieve pain 減輕疼痛
timely help 及時的幫助
volunteer to solve a problem 自願解決問題
get out of an awkward situation 擺脫窘境
feel grateful for sb. / express gratitude to sb. 對某人感到感激/對某人表示感激
be appreciative of... 對..感到感激..
a heartwarming smile 溫暖的微笑
compliment sb. on sth. 讚美某人的某件事物
reach out a helping hand without hesitation 毫不遲疑地伸出援手
It never occurred to me that I could really help someone in need. One day, I _________________________________________
Fortunately, _____________________________________________.
He thanked me __________________________________________.
Seeing this, I _____________________________________________
I was thrilled with excitement after this incident not only because __________________________________________ but also because __________________________________________.
When I reached out a helping hand, _________________________
_________________. As a result, I learned ____________________
______________________. From then on, _____________________
_____________________. For me, ___________________________
檢核表 Checklist
1. 文法正確性:□名詞單複數 □時態□主動詞一致性 □冠詞之使用 □每句話都只有一個動詞 □沒有夾雜中文
2. 拼字是否正確? □
3. 標點符號是否正確? □
(1 . 8 項是得到 10 分左右的必要條件;9 . 12 項是取得高分的要素。)
1. 是否有依照考題指示作答? □
2. 是否有文不對題,或是抄襲他人整段文章? □
3. 是否書寫工整、並保持紙張的整潔? □
4. 是否有清楚的主題句?□
5. 是否有使用時序信號? □
6. 是否至少有三種以上的句型? □
7. 是否有清晰、貫穿全文的主軸?□
8. 是否有適當運用轉承詞或代名詞以維持文章的連續性?□
9. 是否有提出具體的細節? □
10. 是否使用具體精確的動詞? □
11. 是否運用較為優美的修飾字詞? □
12. 內容是否有創意? □
■ 引導式寫作─參考範例
It never occurred to me that I could really help somebody in need. One day, I saw a car accident in the countryside. The driver had hit a tree. She was hurt and couldn’t get out of her car. I pulled her out and called for an ambulance. Fortunately, the ambulance arrived quickly. The driver thanked me and gave me a heartwarming smile. Seeing this, I felt very happy and smiled back. The ambulance driver complimented me for my timely help.
I was filled with excitement after the incident not only because I had helped someone in need, but also because I was able to reach out a helping hand to someone without hesitation and without fear. As a result, I learned that giving is more blessed than receiving. From then on, I decided to become a doctor. For me, what I like most about being a doctor is the sense of accomplishment I feel when I help others. (159 words)
■ 參考範文─基礎篇
When I was a high school student, I helped a foreigner. One day when I was enjoying my noodles in a small shop, a foreigner came in. In English, he told the owner that he wanted beef noodles, but the owner didn’t understand it at all. The owner tried to communicate with him in Taiwanese, but the foreigner did not follow him. Therefore, I helped them solve this situation by doing my best to translate for them. They both thanked me for my kindness and said that my English was very good.
That was the first time I spoke English to a foreigner. I felt very happy after I walked out of the shop. I never thought that my English could really help people. After that, I liked English better, and I decided to learn it better. (137 words)
1. 每段皆有主題:第一段利用 5W+1H 清楚的敘述事情的經過;第二段簡單的說明自己的感受及這件事情造成的影響。
2. 內容的一貫性及承接:第一段除了第一句及第二句有用到表示時間的字詞外,並沒有用到時間信號,不過因為後面的內容都是連續性的動作,較不至於混淆,但是若能加上一些時間信號,將會更加順暢。兩段之間利用 I spoke English to a foreigner. 這句話作為承接。
3. 細節陳述:有將事情發生的過程敘述出來,但是用字較為普通,也沒有具體呈現受幫助者的反應,只略微說明他們很感謝作者。
4. 句型變化:包括副詞子句、名詞子句、複合句等,尚稱有變化。
5. 總評:本文有主題,文句轉承尚稱流暢,文法、拼字、標點無誤,文章內容較為平淡,大約可得 9 至 10 分。
■ 參考範文─進階篇
I once helped a foreigner with my poor English when I was a first-year student in senior high school. One day, I went to a mom-and-pop beef noodles shop for lunch with my best friend, Carol. No sooner had we gobbled up our food than we heard a tall blonde foreigner arguing with the store owner. “I want beef noodles,” the foreigner told the owner. Unfortunately, English was all Greek to the owner, so she couldn’t communicate with the foreigner at all.
At this moment, Carol signaled me to help them. Feeling afraid and shy, I stood up and volunteered to solve this awkward situation by translating English into Taiwanese and vice versa. When the foreigner finally received the steaming noodles, she thanked me with a heartwarming smile and complimented me on my fluent English. Hearing this, I flushed with embarrassment and pleasure. After stepping out of the shop, I was so thrilled that I screamed and jumped. In my life, I had never talked to a foreigner, and from then on, I became more confident about my English, and I made up my mind to master it in the future. (191 words)
1. 每段皆有主題:第一段利用 5W+1H 清楚的敘述事情的經過;第二段簡單的說明自己的感受及這件事情造成的影響。
2. 內容的一貫性及承接:文中每一句都有時間信號,清楚的交代整個事件發生的過程;兩段之間用分詞構句 After stepping out of the store 來連接,表明事件之後,作者個人的感受及後續的影響。
3. 細節陳述:利用具體精確的動詞,如 gobble up、signal、volunteer 等描述當事人的動作變化及心態;修飾字詞如 awkward、steaming noodles、heartwarming smile 生動地呈現事件的畫面。
4. 句型變化:利用副詞字句、同位語、倒裝句、分詞構句等,恰如其分的陳述整個過程。
5. 總評:本文有主題,文句轉承流暢,文法、拼字、標點無誤,具體說明細節,不過內容創意較不足,大約可得 13 至 15 分。
1. One Good Deed
多做善事不僅能幫助別人,也能使自己更快樂。請以“One Good Deed” 為題,寫一篇約 120 個字詞(words)的英文短文,第一段記敘你曾經做過的一件善事,第二段說明做了此事後你心裡面的感受,以及對你的影響。
記敘自己所曾經做過的一件善事時,可依循 5W+1H(who, when, where, what, why 以及 how)的原則,思索整起事件發生的經過,將事件中的人物、發生的事、時...
本書根據歷年的作文題型及大考英文寫作的趨勢,提供了 22 篇寫作題目,其中涵括考試常出現的記敘文、描寫文、書信文、及照片寫作等文體,給予考生寫作練習的機會及準備考試的方向。此外,針對看到題目卻不知如何起筆的學生,本書也提供了寫作技巧的指引,如 5W+1H 的腦力激盪思辨、文章脈絡的框架以及文章一貫性與連續性的導引等,讓學生可以在最短的時間內,鋪陳寫作思路,進而下筆寫作。
本書根據歷年的作文題型及大考英文寫作的趨勢,提供了 22 篇寫作題目,其中涵括考試常出現的記敘文、描寫文、書信文、及照片寫作等文體,給予考生寫作練習的機會及準備考試的方向。此外,針對看到題目卻不知如何起筆的學生,本書也提供了寫作技巧的指引,如 5W+1H 的腦力激盪思辨、文章脈絡的框架以及文章一貫性與連續性的導引等,讓學生可...
(1) 引導寫作:
1. One Good Deed
2. The Night I Turned off the TV
3. Sharing __________ with My Friends
4. In Ten Years' Time
5. A Teacher for a Day
6. Last Night I Had a/an __________ Dream
7. An All-Purpose Robot
8. Volunteer Work
(2) 進階寫作:
9. Doing Housework
10. A Precious Picture
11. A World without Computers
12. Listen to Me
13. Fighting against Depression
14. I Was Sick
15. Helping Others
16. Being Happy
(3) 獨立寫作:
17. A Luxury or a Necessity
18. Welcome to Taiwan
19. I Thank You
20. Losing Weight by Cycling
21. Panda Fever
22. After the Exam
(1) 引導寫作:
1. One Good Deed
2. The Night I Turned off the TV
3. Sharing __________ with My Friends
4. In Ten Years' Time
5. A Teacher for a Day
6. Last Night I Had a/an __________ Dream
7. An All-Purpose Robot
8. Volunteer Work
(2) 進階寫作:
9. Doing Housework
10. A Precious Picture
11. A World without Computers
12. Listen to Me
13. Fighting against Depression
14. I Was Sick
15. Helping Others
16. Being Happy