優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 1232 NT$ 1400
適用程度:Upper-Intermediate、Advanced、CEFR Level:B2+
1. 柯林氏高階學習詞典,第8版,是中高級與高級英語學習者的理想工具書。
2. 詞典以全彩印刷,排版清晰明確,有吸引力。
3. 字彙收錄涵蓋了學生在聽說讀寫等技巧中,所需掌握的英語單詞,詞組及成語。
4. 字彙定義,文字簡潔,自然口語的英語釋義,使用與理解都更容易。
5. 詞條中的例句,皆自柯林氏COBUILD語料庫。
6. 提供廣泛的語法示範,包括眾多例句的語法模式,並從中補充參考語法。
7. 廣泛的字彙建構特點,其中許多皆附有全彩插圖,鼓勵學生擴大和提高自身字彙的準確度和流暢性。
8. 圖解相似詞典,提供50個最常使用詞彙的相似詞或同義反義替代詞。
9. 活動指南,幫助讀者學會如何將字典應用到最大化。
10. 寫作指導手冊,指導讀者字彙拼音,標點符號使用,書信和簡歷撰寫。
11. 口語指導手冊,建議讀者在特定情境下使用最適宜的成語或片語。
1. 建立學習者信心:在情境下顯示字彙和短語,以及例句示範,讓讀者了解如何使用新字彙。
2. 著重在日常應用的溝通與交際:用語標籤的內容,提供字彙表達更多的想法或情緒訊息。
3. 提高詞彙學習和發展的流暢性:插圖,視覺詞庫,圖片詞框,還有更多的詞彙擴建功能幫助學習者提高他們的語言技能。
4. 促進使用者自主學習:活動指南指示讀者如何獨立使用字典。
5. 有助於語法,寫作和口語:內容包括語法參考,寫作手冊和口語發音手冊。
6. COBUILD語料庫來源:多達4.5億詞條的COBUILD語料庫,皆自真實生活中的會話實境拍攝而來,是全世界最早也最完整的語料庫。
You can trust Collins COBUILD
All of our explanations, examples and special features are based on our 4.5-billion-word database of the English language, the Collins Corpus, which means you can trust COBUILD to help you speak and write accurate and up-to-date English. The corpus is updated every month and has been at the heart of Collins COBUILD for over 25 years.
What is COBUILD and why does it matter ?
Collins and the University of Birmingham, led by the pioneering linguist John Sinchair, Developed an electronic corpus in the 1980s, called the Collins Birmingham University International Language Database (COBUILD).
The Collins Corpus is the largest collection of English language data in the world. It contains authentic examples of English as it is really spoken and written, and is constantly updated to reflect today’s language.
The original COBUILD dictionary, published in 1987, was the first of a new generation of dictionaries for learners based on actual corpus evidence rather than on the compilers’ intuition.
About the Book:
Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th edition
For upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English
Be confident in English
Up-to-date coverage of today’s English, with all words and phrases explained in full sentences
Authentic examples from the Collins Corpus show how English is really used
Expand your vocabulary
Thousands of synonyms, antonyms, collocations and illustrations of key topics
Alternatives for the 50 most-overused words in the visual thesaurus
Improve your fluency
The most frequent words are clearly labeled, showing which words to learn first
Information on usage and common grammatical patterns illustrate how the English language works
CEFR B2+ Ideal for students preparing for IELTS、TOEFL and Cambridge English: First, Advanced and Proficiency.
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