Chapter 5 面試題庫整理
我相信I believe that…
我深信I am greatly convinced (that)
我覺得I think that…
我的意見是In my opinion,
以我的經驗In my experience,
我想說的是I’d like to say…
就我而言From my perspective,
就我而言 As far as I’m concerned,
如果您問我 If you ask me
Q1 Track 12
What’s the differences between confidence and arrogance?
In my opinion, the difference between confidence and arrogance is that confident people tend to listen to and accept others' suggestions, while arrogant people don't. People with confidence express their own ideas, but at the same time, they also communicate with others and adjust their own thinking. However, arrogant ones will insist their own opinions and not accept others' advice. This is my personal opinion about this question.
Q2 Track 13
Do you consider yourself a success?
Every individual has a different definition of success. I consider myself a success at this stage as I am facing everything in my life positively. I pursue my goal with faiths and put efforts into it. This is my definition to of success.
Q3 Track 14
What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
In my point of view, all things are easy if they are done willingly. If they are things I can do, no matter how hard they are, I believe I can conquer them all and making decisions in such situations is never difficult to me.. However, there are lots of things people cannot conquer in the world, such as life and death. Whenever this moment comes, making decisions becomes a tough task to me. It’s particularly hard to let go when facing death. .
Q4 Track 15
What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?
A flight attendant is the ambassador of airline. Most of the time, people judge the performance of airline by the impressions flight attendants gave them. Therefore, I think the best contribution I can make to the airline is being a great ambassador of airline. I know that it is not easy to reach this goal, but I will try my best to follow company visions and hope I can be the best spokesperson of airline.
Q5 Track 16
How important is appearance?
I think appearance is very important. Most people will be attracted by beautiful things, such as fine scenery and mouth-watering food. That is the human nature. However, for the human beings, appearance doesn’t equal a great body figure; what truly matters is the beauty inside. Some beauties look beautiful but hard to get along with. Girls next door might not be your love at first sight; however, you would like to spend more time with them. Therefore, in my opinion, I do think people have to take a good care of appearance; however, don’t overweigh the outer beauty too much. Keeping the outer appearance clean and tidy is fine, but taking too much time keeping it perfect is not necessary.
Q6 Track 17
How does Facebook affect our life?
In my opinion, Facebook totally changes our life. Since we have Facebook, we cannot enjoy meals without taking photos. After taking photos, some people will upload photos immediately instead of enjoying great meals. People value taking photos more than spending time with friends. We might have hundreds of friends on Facebook, but we hardly know most of them. I mean we might just meet them once or twice in person. This is how Facebook affects our life.
Chapter 5 面試題庫整理
我相信I believe that…
我深信I am greatly convinced (that)
我覺得I think that…
我的意見是In my opinion,
以我的經驗In my experience,
我想說的是I’d like to say…
就我而言From my perspective,
就我而言 As far as I’m concerned,
如果您問我 If you ask me
Q1 Track 12
What’s the differences between confidence and arrogance?
In my opinion, the difference between confidence and arrogance is th...
Part 1 應試前準備
Chapter 1航空聯盟與航空公司簡介
1.1 航空界現況
天合聯盟 (Sky Team, ST)
星空聯盟 (Star Alliance, SA)
寰宇一家 (Oneworld, OW)
1.2 航空公司介紹
中華航空 (China Airlines)
長榮航空 (EVA Air)
華信航空 (Mandarin Airlines)
國泰航空 (Cathay Pacific)
新加坡航空 (Singapore Airlines)
阿聯酋航空 (Emirates Airline)
立榮航空 (UNI AIR)
復興航空 (TransAsia)
遠東航空 (FAT)
廉航 (廉價航空)
威航 (V Air)
虎航 (Tiger Air)
樂桃航空 (Peach Air)
香草航空 (Vanilla Air)
酷航 (Scoot Air)
Chapter 2 準備報考、邁入航空界
2.1 前言
2.4 資料填寫實例說明
Chapter 3 自薦信、履歷、自傳撰寫
3.1 前言
3.2 關於自薦信 (Cover Letter)
3.3 為自己量身打造自薦信 (Cover Letter)
自薦信 (Cover Letter) 參考範例一
自薦信 (Cover Letter) 參考範例二
自薦信 (Cover Letter) 參考範例三
3.4 關於履歷表 (Resume) 、自傳 (Autobiography)
3.5 英文履歷、自傳實用字彙
3.6 中英文履歷、自傳範例
中英文履歷表範例 ─ 無相關工作經驗者
中英文履歷表範例 ─ 有相關工作經驗者
中英文履歷表範例 ─ 無工作經驗者
中英文自傳範例 ─ 無工作經驗
空服員性格特質練習 (中英文範例)
中英文自傳範例 ─ 有工作經驗:美式餐廳服務員
空服員性格特質練習 (中英文範例)
中英文自傳範例 ─ 有工作經驗:護士
空服員性格特質練習 (中英文範例)
Part 2 應試技巧
Chapter 4 面試
4.1 面試要領
4.2 中英文介紹範例
4.3 中英文短文朗讀技巧
4.4 航空相關英文辭彙與重要句型
Chapter 5 面試題庫整理
5.1 30秒中英文答題技巧
5.2 簡易生活問題及描述個人經驗
5.3 對事情的看法
5.4 臨場反應問題
5.5 關於台灣
5.6 考試動機問題、航空公司與空服員相關問題
5.7 其它問題
Part 3 飛上青空情境大模擬
Chapter 6 機艙廣播詞
6.1 登機與起飛前廣播詞
機場登機前廣播 (Pre-flight Announcement)
最後登機廣播 (Final Pre-flight announcement)
航班延誤廣播(Flight delay announcement)
飛機保養造成延誤(Delay due to aircraft maintenance)
保養後登機廣播(Boarding announcement)
航道擁擠造成延誤(Delay due to air traffic congestion)
航班起飛廣播(Take off announcement)
機艙內起飛前廣播(In flight Boarding announcement)
機艙關門 (Door closure)
6.2 起飛後機艙內上廣播詞
機上安全示範 (Safety demonstration)
有安全示範影片 (Safety demonstration film )
空服員示範 (Live Safety demonstration)
到達安全高度 (Release seat belts)
發送入境表格 (Distributing customs forms announcement)
機上免稅銷售(In flight Shopping)
6.3 目的地政府規定廣播與其他廣播
美國 (USA)範例
降落 (Landing)
其它服務 (Other services)
Part 1 應試前準備
Chapter 1航空聯盟與航空公司簡介
1.1 航空界現況
天合聯盟 (Sky Team, ST)
星空聯盟 (Star Alliance, SA)
寰宇一家 (Oneworld, OW)
1.2 航空公司介紹
中華航空 (China Airlines)
長榮航空 (EVA Air)
華信航空 (Mandarin Airlines)
國泰航空 (Cathay Pacific)
新加坡航空 (Singapore Airlines)
阿聯酋航空 (Emirates Airline)
立榮航空 (UNI AIR)
復興航空 (TransAsia)
遠東航空 (FAT)
廉航 (廉價航空)
威航 (V Air)
虎航 (Tiger Air)
樂桃航空 (Peach Air)
香草航空 (Vanilla Ai...