52張影像與4篇文字 | 14.8 x 21cm,展開後有多種大小
中文 & 英文 | 限量1000冊~SHOUT是《攝影之聲》出版的一份不定型特輯系列!本輯收錄四位台灣年輕創作者——陳藝堂、楊雅淳、鄭弘敬、張卉欣的影像檔案,在隨機層疊聚合的圖像斷片裡,由讀者自行將照片拆解、排列、對應、組合與重塑,視線的關係與意識將不斷延展、崩解,勾連又迸散……
SHOUT is a special issue series published by Voices of Photography with no stylistic limitations. This issue showcases work by four young Taiwanese artists —— Etang Chen, Yo Yang, teikoukei and Hui-Hsin Chang. Their repertoire of photography presents readers with a collage of spontaneously accumulated and detachable images, open to the readers' own deconstruction, assembly, response, grouping and remaking, allowing a never-ending process of collapse, linking and spreading the relationship between vision and the consciousness...
《Voices of Photography 攝影之聲》是一份攝影藝術獨立刊物,自2011年9月創刊以來,每期介紹當代攝影作品與影像創作者,藉由與藝術家、出版人、策展人、藝術機構和相關工作者的訪談對話,以及持續推動影像閱讀、評論與攝影史的書寫,探索攝影藝術的創作概念、文化、歷史與思潮。
Voices of Photography is an independent publication dedicated to contemporary photography. Launched in September 2011 in Taiwan, VOP features contemporary photographers and artists, as well as interviews with artists, gallerists, curators, and publishers and other related professionals worldwide, to share and explore the creativity and philosophy of photography. VOP has been continually promoting the reading and critiquing of images along with ongoing columns on the history of photography, seeking in-depth exploration of the creative concepts, culture and trends behind photography.