西元2154年,地球已經幾乎要成為名副其實的煉獄,所有人都辛苦地為基本生活所掙扎;而在地球之外,一個名為Elysium的人造外太空卻沒有戰爭、疾病,並被富有的人占有。麥特戴蒙飾演的工人,為了治療疾病,必須在數天內前往Elysium,於是他想出了一個危險重重的綁架計劃,並使得Elysium與地球居民的對立白熱化……。由南非導演Neill Blomkamp所執導的科幻作品《極樂世界》,將議題推至政治、階級對立、移民和健康……等全世界都脫不了關係的切身問題。而劇中各種出色的巧思與設計,又將掀起電影界對於未來世界的豐富想像,本期當中將奉上新鮮預覽。(P7)
由名導蘇菲亞柯波拉所執導、根據真實案件改編的《The Bling Ring》,講述數名青少年因著對名流們的狂戀執迷,而潛入明星們的豪宅中作出行竊以及侵占等舉動,堪稱是蘇菲亞柯波拉最出色的一部作品。《The Bling Ring》也請來「妙麗」Emma Watson擔綱演出,而在難得的對談專訪之中,蘇菲亞柯波拉和Emma Watson將針對名流文化、社群媒體以及實境節目秀……議題等提出見解。(P51)
Ryan Gosling discovers Only God Forgives; Emma Watson joins The Bling Ring; Shane Carruth envisions Upstream Color; Greta Gerwig is Frances Ha; Amanda Seyfried undresses Lovelace; Ben Wheatley visits A Field In England; Johnny Depp meets The Lone Ranger; Disney/Pixar enrol at Monsters University; Michael Bay endures Pain & Gain; and Ulrich Seidl presents his Paradise trilogy.
Inspired by our feature film:
Man Vs Machine:
Can director Neill Blomkamp survive inside Hollywood?
Utopia / Dystopia:
Inverse visions of mankind's future
Full Metal Jacket:
How exoskeleton technology is transcending science fiction
That Syncing Feeling:
Downloading Elysium stars Matt Damon and Sharlto Copley
Star City:
How close are we to the great space migration?
Saffa's Sci-Fi Shame!:
The amazing story of the worst space movie ever made
Live Forever:
Discover the amazing technologies changing medical science
Plus exclusive interviews with Sofia Coppola & Emma Watson, Nicolas Winding Refn, Shane Carruth, Greta Gerwig and Gore Verbinski.
About Little White Lies
LWLies is a bi-monthly, independent movie magazine that features cutting edge writing, illustration and photography to get under the skin of cinema. Because movies don’t exist in a vacuum, we venture beyond the boundaries of the big screen, exploring the worlds of music, art, politics and pop culture to inform and illuminate the medium we love. Bold, beautiful and unique, LWLies is a magazine on a mission – to reshape the debate across the movie landscape.