In 1983, the first Tsutaya opened its doors in Osaka. Conceived as a lifestyle store by Muneaki Masuda, Tsutaya began as a shop renting and selling books, videos, and music. Since then, it has become an all-encompassing Japanese pop culture platform. In 2011, the company behind the Tsutaya project, CCC, introduced an evolved form of the Tsutaya bookstore in Daikanyama. Based on information from the brand’s “T Point” membership program, the brand continues to suggest a new lifestyle concept, spanning from appliances to smartphones.
Brand Documentary Magazine 樂於發掘更多市場上能夠造福人群、傳達崇高理想、發揮工匠藝術的企業,深入他們的創意理念,透過實際參訪,瞭解該公司的文化與核心價值。