Dr. Y.F. Chang — An Appreciation
11 January 2008
I remember with great affection the many meetings that I have held with Chairman Chang in Europe, in Taiwan and in Japan. All of these encounters have been memorable, each in their own way, but none more so than my visit to the Mitsubishi shipyard at Kobe in Japan in 1994, where I launched the Ever Result at the invitation of Dr. Chang.
The overall arrangements, the attention to detail, the precision of the actual launch ceremony, all remain vividly in my mind. Above all though, I remember the warmth of my reception by Dr. Chang together with his unfailing courtesy, a quality which is noticed by all who meet him. I was also most interested to hear of the long and mutually beneficial relationship between Mitsubishi, the builder of the Ever Result, and Dr. Chang. As I know from personal experience what a part loyalty plays in all his dealings.
I like also to think that the Ever Result is a lucky ship, as following the launch ceremony in October 1994, the ship was actually delivered to Evergreen on the day of the Kobe earthquake on January 17th 1995. As the vessel was therefore not actually docked at the time of the earthquake, it escaped the terrible damage that was inflicted on the city that day. When I subsequently visited the ship in late February 1996 at Thamesport in London, I was able to tell the captain that the ship must have been made under the protective umbrella of both Dr. Chang and myself.
I have now known Dr. Chang for close to 20 years and have been delighted to see the progress his company has made and the justified acclaim and honour which has been bestowed on him across the world, all of which is the product of a lifetime of hard work and dedication to the best interests of his customers, staff and shareholders. He has made a great contribution to his country and I hold him in the highest esteem.
Baroness Thatcher LG, OM, PC, FRS
Former UK Prime Minister
回想過往與張博士在歐洲、台灣及日本的無數次會晤,每次都有值得回味之處,但沒有一次是像在1994年時,我應張博士之邀,前往位於日本神戶的三菱重工造船廠,擔任「長果輪」(EVER ESULT)新船下水典禮的擲瓶貴賓,那樣地令人印象深刻。
張博士對全程的安排、細節的掌握,以及實際下水典禮時的準確性,仍然清晰地烙印在腦海裡。尤其是在張博士熱情的接待中,他始終如一、謙恭有禮的 態度,是所有有幸能夠遇見他的人都會注意到的特質。更讓我感興趣的是,「長果輪」承造商三菱重工造船廠和張博士之間長期合作及互惠關係,並讓我體會到「忠 誠」在他所有的事業中,扮演了關鍵角色。
我同時認為「長果輪」是一艘幸運之船,因為在1994年10月下水典禮後,「長果輪」於1995年1月17日神戶大地震發生當天交船;所以,當 大地震發生時,因它並未停靠船塢,而躲過了神戶大地震所造成的嚴重傷害。之後,我於1996年2月底,到倫敦泰晤士港造訪該船時,即告訴船長說︰「它一定 是在張博士及本人的保護傘下建造的。」
Baroness Thatcher LG, OM, PC, FRS
長榮集團創辦人暨總裁張榮發博士,於1968年以一艘二手雜貨船起家,歷經四十多個寒暑,以過人的意志力,胼手胝足地將長榮打造成橫跨海、空、 陸領域多元化發展的國際集團。為了實踐「人活著,就是要做善事」的理念,張總裁於1985年成立「財團法人張榮發基金會」,以實際行動長期投入照顧弱勢、 關懷社會及提升道德文化的行列。
一般人對於成功的企業家,除了感佩外,總不免好奇,想一探究竟,以便見賢思齊。為了讓大家更加了解張總裁其人其事,張榮發基金會特別於2007 年擬定《我所看到的、知道的張榮發》出版計畫,邀請與張總裁相知相惜數十載的海內外友人與部屬,各自以其親身經驗,從不同的角度,記錄他們與張總裁的互動 點滴,以及從中得到的深刻感動與啟發,讓大家有機會更深入認識這位航運鉅子鮮為人知的一面。
2007、 2008年分別適逢張總裁80歲壽誕與長榮集團創立40週年慶,有許多來自歐美政商名人與長榮事業伙伴所題寫的祝賀詞---《長榮集團40週年歐美禮 讚》,也納入本書中,以饗讀者。希望透過本書的出版,讓讀者有機會更進一步認識張總裁的點點滴滴,領略張總裁的睿智、幽默與慈悲。
財團法人張榮發基金會 謹誌
Publisher’s Note
Evergreen Group Founder and Chairman Dr. Y.F. Chang started his enterprise in 1968 with a second-hand general cargo ship. In the more than 40 years that followed, Evergreen grew into a successful international conglomerate specializing in sea, air, and land transportation.
Dr. Chang believes that the meaning of life lies in devotion. To realize his philanthropic goals and to promote moral development, he formed the Chang Yung-Fa Foundation in 1985.
Dr. Y.F. Chang As I Know Him, compiled by the Foundation between 2007 and 2009, offers rare insights into the life of Dr. Chang through anecdotes provided by close friends in Taiwan and overseas, and senior Evergreen executives.
We would like to thank each and every contributor for taking time out of their busy lives to commit to paper their memories of times shared with Dr. Chang, and for locating photographs that capture treasured moments.
Due to space constraints, we were not able to publish all the articles we received, and we apologize wholeheartedly for any omission.
We hope that as you read this book, you will enjoy a sometimes enlightening, humorous and touching trip down memory lane as you learn more about what makes Dr. Chang the man he is.
Chang Yung-Fa Foundation
October 2009
Dr. Y.F. Chang — An Appreciation
11 January 2008
I remember with great affection the many meetings that I have held with Chairman Chang in Europe, in Taiwan and in Japan. All of these encounters have been memorable, each in their own way, but none more so than my visit to the Mitsubishi shipyard at Kobe in Japan in 1994, where I launched the Ever Result at the invitation of Dr. Chang.
The overall arrangements, the attention to detail, the precision of the actual laun...
序文 Foreword
Dr. Y.F. Chang-An Appreciation 令人激賞的張榮發博士 Baroness Thatcher
Evergreen Makes the World Smaller 長榮縮短世界的距離 Romano Prodi
熱愛台灣,放眼世界!A Love for Taiwan and a Man of the World 胡志強
出版序 Publisher’s Note 財團法人張榮發基金會
第一篇 國際友人
Chapter 1: Overseas Friends
A Dream Meeting That Led to a Lifelong Career with Evergreen 命運的安排 Patrick Ang(洪文炎)
The Father of Containerization in Egypt 埃及的貨櫃運輸之父 Bahaa Badr
Determination Results in a Golden Opportunity 黃金機會只給有決心的人 Nivat Changariyavong
The Most Valuable Lesson I Learned from Him 最有價值的一堂課 Svend Hansen, Jr.
My Travels with the Group Chairman 難忘的空中時光 Dayle Harris
Pragmatism over Theory 實際重於理論的人 Inpyo Hong(洪仁杓)
A Letter from Dr. Chang’s Oldest European Friend 歐洲最老的好友如是說 Helmuth Kern
A Moment to Remember 永恆的剎那 Wellington Lee(李宏威)
From the Bridge to the Cockpit 從船舶駕駛台到飛機駕駛艙 P.L. Maneschi
He Made Us Taiwanese Vegetarian Hamburgers 他為我們做台灣素食漢堡 Michela Nardulli
Receiving Malaysia’s Highest Honor Ever Awarded to a Foreigner 受封「丹斯里」勳銜---大馬曾授予外國人的最高榮譽 Dato’ Dr. Kenny Ong(王健力)
A Bonus Beyond Expectation 意料之外的酬謝金 Per Schou
A Fascinating Conversationalist 迷人的談話對象 Julian Seymour
One in a Million 萬中之一的大人物 Krirkkla Sonthimas
My Encounter with Dr. Chang 飄洋過海的緣分 Maurice Storey
A Good Citizen of the World 傑出的世界公民 Hugo Torrijos
He Taught Me to Enjoy the Best Ice Cream 他教我享用最好吃的冰淇淋 Martine Toulot
A Once-in-a-Lifetime Gift 一生只有一次的機緣 Gunadi Widjaja(鐘允劍)
Joining the Evergreen Family 成為長榮的家人 Barbara Spector Yeninas
A Man with Incredible Vision 「巴拿馬---美洲的新加坡」預言成真 Frank Zeimetz
Advocating a Simple Life 簡樸的生活家 八島仁朗
張總裁、□□□□□! 張總裁,謝謝您! 山代元□
船□私□子供□□□□□□□□□ 「『船』就像是我的孩子一樣!」 松田仁孝
新入社員□莫大□勇氣□與□□ 他給菜鳥業務最大的信心 松田章
他把最好的辦公室留給我們 陳綱齡
我最敬佩的「航運鉅子」 張慶球
第二篇 國內友人
Chapter 2: Friends From Taiwan
台灣人的驕傲 田弘茂
開創巴國、台灣、長榮三贏局面 沙濟華
一直堅持地做下去 林泰山
一顆真心,創造長榮奇蹟 林添福
參與國際事務的推手 許水德
難得的老同學、老朋友 張□祥
亦師亦友的情誼 廖偉志
來自世界的肯定與尊榮 簡又新
第三篇 企業經營
Chapter 3: Evergreen Executives
成立長榮航空親力親為 王宜恭
讓我又愛又怕的老闆 吳景明
張總裁其人 林省三
立身處世的學習典範 林榮華
一一親送加班同仁回家 林曉華
我被張總裁拒絕了5 次! 邱展發
終身追隨的人生導師 柯麗卿
與張總裁赴日購物新體驗 洪秉琨
從小立志朝海洋發展 高瑞鵬
「做人不要貪!」 郭宣瑜
「方正與對稱」的理念 張明煜
251 看人看優點,用人用長處 張銘波
大人物的平凡生活 張耀婷
「欠員工的錢,要盡快還回去!」 陳欣德
「人生---別太早下定論」 陳偉銘
「我們不是賺這種錢的人!」 黃金山
做他的部下很累卻很窩心 黃訓國
土地公廟的故事 游長和
訂船,像買雞蛋一樣論「打」買 葉順利
真正的造船專家 葉連火
Friends Are Forever 不離不棄的真情 Molly Mok(莫春蘭)
海洋之子& 晴天之子 劉孟芬
從海上悠遊到天空遨翔 劉禎氣
欠人一分,回報十分 駱耀煌
百年船公司起死回生 謝志堅
吃得少、動得好、健康活到老 謝玲安
仁者胸懷,智者風範 鍾德美
高麗菜的故事 聶國維
一個釜底抽薪的方法---建造貨櫃場 闕建仁
一份未發布的新聞稿 嚴若琪
比員工還認真的老闆 蘇宏義
第四篇 長榮集團40週年歐美禮讚
Chapter 4: Congratulations on 40 Glorious Years
來自美洲的祝福 Best Wishes from North America
來自歐洲的祝福 Best Wishes from Europe
第五篇 張總裁榮譽獎項
Chapter 5: Lifetime Achievements
The articles that appear in this book are sorted alphabetically according to the author’s English family name or the number of strokes that make up the Chinese or Japanese family name.
序文 Foreword
Dr. Y.F. Chang-An Appreciation 令人激賞的張榮發博士 Baroness Thatcher
Evergreen Makes the World Smaller 長榮縮短世界的距離 Romano Prodi
熱愛台灣,放眼世界!A Love for Taiwan and a Man of the World 胡志強
出版序 Publisher’s Note 財團法人張榮發基金會
第一篇 國際友人
Chapter 1: Overseas Friends
A Dream Meeting That Led to a Lifelong Career with Evergreen 命運的安排 Patrick Ang(洪文炎)
The Father of Containerization in Egypt 埃及的貨櫃運輸之父 Bahaa Badr