Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 12 : 太陽旗下的凝視——日本時代台灣寫真帖特輯
Images Under the Rising Sun : Taiwan Shashin Cho from Japanese Colonial Period
攝影究竟創造了什麼歷史?作為攝影客體的台灣,如何被「看見」?本期特輯我們邀集攝影文史工作者簡永彬、寫真帖研究者徐佑驊與作家陳柔縉,述說日治時期台灣寫真帖的歷史成因、剖析帝國寫真裡的視覺殖民與觀看秩序,並從稀有的古早照片裡,尋找彼時台灣民間生活的痕跡。而在本期專欄中,張世倫透過日治時期的另一重要影像資料——圖像明信片——透析日本建立的帝國視野 ; 顧錚則以著名攝影家木村伊兵衛於1940年代在日本扶植的滿州國所拍攝的《王道樂土》,解剖攝影裡的觀看政治。
這期的Artist's Showcase單元,中國當代攝影藝術家莫毅以裂解經典的文革時期照片,在人們看著歷史影像卻又看不清真相之際,進行一趟歷史記憶的拼貼探查。蕭永盛的「台灣攝影史」連載,從馬偕牧師的日記裡發掘迷上攝影的馬偕所留下的台灣身影。Q單元則專訪身兼策展、評論、出版等多重身份的黃亞紀,以及日本攝影季刊《IMA》總編輯長太田睦子,一探他們對於當代攝影的觀察。同時特別收錄阮慶岳、沈昭良、張世倫與李威儀針對台灣攝影書閱讀與出版現象的討論對話。
Half a decade of Japanese colonial rule since 1895 marked a peak in Taiwanese photographic history as the government used photography as an important means of propaganda. The colonial government and shashin kan (photo studios) actively published all kinds of shashin cho (photo albums), displaying the economic progress and local cultures of Taiwan. These volumes of images put together a map of the early colonial times in Taiwan through the eyes of the Nihon empire.
What history has photography created? How is Taiwan "seen" as the object of photography? In this issue, we invited photography archivist Chien Yun-Pin, shashin cho researcher Hsu You-Hua and writer Chen Rou-Jin to share with us how the shashin cho came about during the Japanese colonial times, how these volumes set forth a point of view from the colonisers, and how we can piece together life in Taiwan then through these rare photographs. Meanwhile, Chang Shih-Lun explores the point of view that Japanese imperialists had established through another important visual resource——postcards——in his column, while Gu Zheng shares his analysis about Odo Rakudo, a photo book of the Japanese supported Manchukuo by well-known photographer Ihei Kimura in the 40s, giving us an insight on the political perspective.
In "Artist's Showcase", contemporary Chinese photographer Mo Yi deconstructs stereotypical images from the Cultural Revolution, taking a journey into history through a blurring of what seems appears to be historical pictures. Hsiao Yong-Sheng's "History of Photography in Taiwan" uncovers pieces of Taiwan from 1871-1901 captured by Dr Mackey in his journals. “Q” features interviews with Huang Yaji, curator, critic and publisher, and Matsuko Ota, chief editor of the quarterly Japanese photography magazine IMA, who share with us their observations on contemporary photography. This issue also covers a special dialogue between Roan Ching-Yueh, Shen Chao-Liang, Chang Shih-Lun and Lee Wei-I on the publishing and reading of photo books in Taiwan.
《Voices of Photography 攝影之聲》是一份攝影藝術獨立刊物,2011年9月在台灣創刊。每期介紹當代攝影作品與攝影藝術家,藉由訪問藝術家、藝廊、策展人、出版人與相關藝術工作者,以及提供攝影專欄、攝影書評與攝影展覽資訊的介紹,探索攝影藝術的創作概念、文化與思潮。並獲文化部2013年第37屆金鼎獎雜誌類最佳主編獎。
Voices of Photography is an independent publication dedicated to contemporary photography. Launched in September 2011 in Taiwan, VOP features contemporary photographers and artists, as well as interviews with artists, gallerists, curators, and publishers and other related professionals worldwide, to share and explore the creativity and philosophy of photography.
◎ 編輯台報告
◎ 日本時代台灣寫真帖特輯
▲ 台灣寫真帖的軌輯 — 簡永彬
▲ 台灣寫真帖中的台灣視覺論述 — 徐佑驊
▲ 《台北寫真帖》裡的舊日風情風 — 陳柔縉
◎ {論影像}專欄|張世倫
◎ Artist’s Showcase
▲ 莫毅「虛幻的風景」
Q|專訪亦安畫廊台北負責人 黃亞紀
Q|專訪日本攝影季刊《IMA》總編輯長 太田睦子
◎ Photobook
◎ Exhibitions
◎ 編輯台報告
◎ 日本時代台灣寫真帖特輯
▲ 台灣寫真帖的軌輯 — 簡永彬
▲ 台灣寫真帖中的台灣視覺論述 — 徐佑驊
▲ 《台北寫真帖》裡的舊日風情風 — 陳柔縉
◎ {論影像}專欄|張世倫
◎ Artist’s Showcase
▲ 莫毅「虛幻的風景」
Q|專訪亦安畫廊台北負責人 黃亞紀
Q|專訪日本攝影季刊《IMA》總編輯長 太田睦子
◎ Photobook
◎ Exhibitions